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"I don't know. I don't feel like I gave him anything useful."

I perched myself on the counter in Grant's master bath while he showered. We'd just gotten done meeting with his cop friend, Chuck, over breakfast and although it seemed like Braun even HAVING a daughter was new information, I felt like I didn't give him enough to go off of.

"Baby, you told him everything you could," Grant insisted before turning his face into the spray of the shower. "Any information is good information. Just give him a chance to look into things."

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I'll just sit here and wait for her to show up again."

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you," Grant stated as he rinsed the suds from his hair.

"You're not always around."

"So, I'll make sure that I am."

"Grant," I responded with a soft chuckle. His simplistic view on a remedy was sweet, but it wasn't like it was . Besides, I didn't really want to put him in harm's way any more than I wanted to be there. "Be serious."

"I'm being very serious," Grant persisted as he twisted off the shower and pushed open the door to reach for his towel. "If that means I have to stand guard twenty-four-seven then that's what we do."

The man's body would never cease to amaze me, especially now, glistening and emerging from the steam. His broad shoulders were wider than his narrow hips, and though not well defined, you could see the faint lines of his abs under his glistening, golden skin. His thighs were thick and powerful and his legs long and toned. This man was in better shape than a lot of men half his age and I got all tingly just looking at him. Literally every time I looked at him.

I sighed as he fastened the black towel around his lean waist. "I'd rather be in danger myself than put you in danger."

"Well, unfortunately for you," Grant stated as he took a few steps until he squared up between my legs, "I'm not about to let that happen."

"Grant," I groaned, hanging my head.

"Listen to me," Grant responded firmly, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifting my gaze back to his. "There's not a thing on this fucking planet that's gonna stop me from taking care of what's mine. Whether that's you or my kids..."

I chuckled softly, trying to hide the pink tint of my cheeks. I loved his protectiveness. I loved his desire to guard over everything he cared about. It was perfectly clear why Gwen had nicknamed him her lion. However, I was a girl used to fighting off everything on her own. Having someone that wanted to help, that wanted to stand between me and whatever trouble was headed toward me, it was new. And it was taking some getting used to. "You make it sound so barbaric. WOMAN MINE, ARRRRGGH!"

"Should I toss you over my shoulders just to drive it home?" Grant asked, trying to disguise his smirk as he brushed his palm over my cheek.

I chuckled softly as I leaned into his touch. "Gonna pass on that."

Grant rolled his eyes playfully. "Fiiine." He dipped his face, laying his forehead against my own. "I'm going to do whatever is in my power to keep you safe, Maddie. I just got you. I'm not about to lose you."

I let out a girly sigh, my whole chest heaving with the depth of it. "How do you come up with this shit?"

Grant laughed as he pulled back, resituated his towel and then readied his toothbrush. "Come up with what?"

"All these dreamy lines? For fuck's sake. How's a girl supposed to compete with that?"

"She's not," Grant winked as he started scrubbing his already perfect smile. It went silent for a few moments as I just watched him, and he chuckled at me watching him. Once he spat out his toothpaste and rinsed with mouthwash, he turned to me. "You gonna get ready?"

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