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I watched from the little window outside of her hospital room as Lydia brushed the damp hair from her daughter's face. Madeline was still pretty out of it, riddled with drugs and exhaustion, but the light was coming back into her eyes. I could see it from even outside of the room. We'd both been given exams the second we made it through the hospital doors. I was given some new stitches and wound coverings, while Maddie was put through a whole litany of tests. A few hours later, however, they were content that she really only needed fluids and rest, so they put her in a private room to give her just that.

Word was getting around about what exactly had happened that night. The hospital was crawling with cops and families waiting to be reunited with their loved ones. I was attempting to keep a low profile. I didn't want to be the hero of the night; I didn't honestly believe that I was. Jones or Simmons or whatever could take that mantle. I didn't want it. All I cared about was Madeline was home, back with her mother, back with ME.

"There he is. The man of the hour."

I pulled my gaze from the window to Chuck as he practically sauntered toward me. I chuckled softly, the motion causing the fresh stitches in my abdomen to pull slightly. "Please don't."

"Don't what? Gloat about how my best friend saved the world?" Chuck retorted, throwing his arms around my shoulders, and giving me a firm slap on the back.

I winced and pulled back. "Best friend, huh? I seem to recall you trying to stop me from 'saving the world'. In fact, I can still hear it echoing off my eardrums."

Chuck gave me a half-hearted shrug. "I mean, the law enforcement part of my brain still isn't thrilled, but it's hard to deny the good you did."

"I didn't do it alone."

"Oh, I know," Chuck said with a laugh. "Trust me, Snyder ain't being quiet about the part he played."

I laughed in return. "Somehow doesn't surprise me. You talked to Simmons?"

Chuck nodded. "Yeah. We knew the FBI had guys on the inside. Didn't know it was the druggie you had held at gunpoint, but ya know, seems to have paid off."

"I guess you..."


My head spun like an owl to find Danica and her even more rounded belly stomping toward me, Justin hot on her heels. How she'd gotten even MORE pregnant in the week I was gone, I had no idea, but the girl looked like she was about to burst, and it brought a tear to my eye.

"Hey, kiddo," I greeted with a smile as she threw her arms around me. She squeezed me so hard that all of the air left my lungs, but I chuckled and petted the long locks on the back of her head affectionately. "I'm okay, honey. It's okay."

Danica pulled back and slapped me hard across the chest. "What were you thinking?! You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"I know, honey, but..."

"No buts!" Danica exclaimed, her eyes wild and filled with tears. "I need you! Dean needs you! This baby needs you and you... you just... you could've..."

As she broke down into sobs I pulled her back into my arms, cradling my daughter's head against my chest as one hand rubbed her back reassuringly. "Shhh, honey. It's okay. I'm okay."

"But what if..."

"Hey, there's no use thinking about the what if's, alright? I'm here. I'm always going to be here. We're all safe and sound."

"Maddie?" Danica asked, bringing up her watery gaze to meet mine.

I nodded and swiped my thumbs under her eyes to get rid of her tears. "Right in there with her Momma."

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