Bonus Epilogue

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Hi all! I took part in a little Valentine's Day anthology over on Chapters, and my contribution?

A little "Two Years Later" bonus epilogue for Grant and Maddie! And well, I thought maybe you'd like to see it too! So here you are:

A Valentine's Away

A Can't Save Me Bonus Epilogue


I could smell the rain before I even opened my eyes. What was supposed to be a ten day, romantic getaway to Island Paradise had been nothing but a soaking, sopping mess. Four days in and it had rained every damn one of them.


I grumbled as I rolled over, fully expecting to wrap my arms around my travel companion, but instead I was met by nothing but empty space and cool sheets.

Even more frustrating.

Giving up on my intention to spend our Valentine's morning cuddled up, I finally blinked my eyes open, instantly spotting Madeline standing just outside the open balcony doors. She was dressed in nothing but a black lace robe that barely even concealed the freckles on her skin and she clutched a steaming white mug in her hands. My absolute goddess.

Two years and my feelings for her had only grown deeper. Two years since the kid napping, two years since our faces were splashed on front pages across the country. Two years since Madeline Baker had officially moved into my house and truly made it a home. And there wasn't a second of those two years I would've traded for anything.

"Hey," I spoke, my voice still raspy with slumber. "Come back to bed."

Madeline turned and gave me a dreamy smile. Her fresh-faced in the morning was my favorite version, though I complained about none of the versions I got. Let's be honest, I was punching for sure.

"We can't spend our entire vacation in bed, Grant."

I scoffed and folded my arms under my head, getting a bit better view of the gorgeousness that stood before me. "Who fuckin' says?"

Maddie gave me an affectionate eye roll and a melodic giggle in response. "One track mind with you."

"Mm. Didn't hear you complaining last night... or the night before... or in that bathroom at the restaurant or..."

"Shush you," Madeline interrupted, her cheeks flushing bright crimson. "I'm enjoying the view."

"Me too," I smirked as my gaze roamed her body.

As Madeline shook her head and turned her eyes toward the storm outside, it became quite clear that I wasn't going to get my way, at least not in bed. Slightly begrudgingly, I threw back the sheets, straightening my creeping boxers as I got out of the mussed King size bed in our suite. I first detoured for the pot of coffee waiting on the nearby counter, then crept up behind my girl, just as a crash of thunder sounded and a bolt of lightning struck the ocean in front of us.

I sighed a bit dejectedly before taking a sip. "Ya know, when I booked this, I really didn't anticipate being stuck inside the entire ten days."

Madeline smiled and leaned into me, her back flush against my bare chest. "It's not so bad... until we start getting sick of each other."

"Impossible," I retorted as I brushed my lips against her temple. "Just wishing I hadn't booked a bunch of experiences outdoors that we've now lost out on."

Madeline sighed, a bit melancholy sounding, in agreement. "What were we supposed to do today?"

I thought a second as I took another swig of the black fuel in my mug. Wasn't the best coffee I'd ever had, but it definitely wasn't the worst. "Swimming with the dolphins was today, I think."

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