Forks High

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I woke up early the next morning to my alarm clocks incessant beeping. I sat up in bed groaning and stretching out my stiff muscles. There's a knock on the door before I see my dad walk into the room.

"Hey sweetie just wanted to check that you're up because I know how much you like to sleep."

"Haha thanks dad I appreciate it but yes I'm awake and sooo ready to get some knowledge in my brain" I said in a sarcastic manner while laughing, dad just rolled his eyes and walked out, closing the door behind him.

I put my feet on the cold wood flooring and went to find a outfit for school. My outfit consisted of blue ripped skinny jeans, a red lace tank-top, my black doc martins(which I bought all on my own thank you very much) and then went into the bathroom to apply makeup and brush my teeth.

After finishing up with brushing my teeth I applied some mascara, lip gloss, and highlighter, nothing special. I went downstairs seeing Bella with an annoyed look on her face "Finally, took you long enough, you need to learn to hurry up since we have to drive together." She said with a roll of her eyes. "Sorry your highness." I replied with a bow and a smirk.

I said goodbye to dad and grabbed my leather jacket to complete my outfit and walked out the door into Bella's truck.

The ride to school was silent and I just sat there looking out the window worrying 'maybe Bella will actually let people know I'm her sister this time' I thought before shaking my head at the crazy idea that was only a fantasy.

When the truck came to a stop I noticed all the people staring at us and the nervous look on Bella's face. I decided that I wasn't going to let any of these idiots ruin my day so I got out the car and walked with confidence while glaring at any people who looked my way, this immediately made them look away which caused a smirk to appear on my face.

I didn't know where Bella ran off to so I walked straight to the attendance office to grab my times table and apparently these slips that all my teachers have to sign for me ughh.

I looked at my schedule and my first class was physics 'gross' I thought to myself. I saw my sister talking to some nerdy Asian looking guy, me and Bella shared a glance and she glared at me while shaking her head. I just sighed and decided to go about my day without her.

For the first couple of periods no one talked to me but I mean that might just have something to do with my resting bitch face oops....

Finally it was lunch and I could take a break from all the learning. If you can't tell I hate school.

I spotted Bella at a table with a group of kids so I decided to walk up to them "hey sis how's your day been?" I questioned while sitting down next to her "fine Anya now go away."

All the kids in the group were now looking right at me. "Oh how rude of me I'm Anya, Bella's amazing twin sister." I said while looking at all of them.

Each of them looked kind of annoyed but this blonde boy with blue eyes was looking me up and down like I was something to eat and it creeped me out.

"So Mike I see you've met my home girl Bella." The nerdy boy named Eric said to the blonde who's name is apparently Mike "yo-you're home girl?" Mike managed to stutter out.

Then this random dude ran up to the table, kissing mine and Bellas cheek "no my girls!" I elbowed him in the stomach with a stoic look on my face as he doubled over in pain. Bella just looked at me like I was crazy and I shrugged my shoulders at her.

Her attention was soon taken by a group of teens walking through the door. "who are they?" She asked while looking at all of them "that's the Cullens. Doctor and Mrs Cullens adopted children." Jessica replied and I could immediately tell I wouldn't like her just by her voice and how she seemed to love drama.

I just tuned them out until Bella seemed to be totally taken by the final guy walking in "Who's he?" She questioned, never once taking her eyes off of him.

Jessica went on to explain how apparently he's some super hot loner who doesn't think anyone is good enough for him "like I care, but don't waste your time." Jessica said while basically drooling over him.

"hmm based on the drool on your face it's quite obvious that you do in fact care, therefore making me think he rejected you." I said while smirking at her, she just rolled her eyes while glaring at me

"But no seriously don't waste your time." She said while completely ignoring me "I wasn't planning on it"

I could see the longing look in Bellas eyes and immediately knew that she was lying. I just scoffed while she elbowed me in the ribs.

Once school was over me and Bella met dad at the diner but Bella was in a shitty mood the whole drive to the diner and all she would say about it was "Edward"

I immediately knew I didn't like this Edward kid, me and my sister might not be close but I don't like other people being rude to her.

Once we walked into the diner we saw dad and went and sat down with him "so how was your guys first day of school?"

He awkwardly questioned "it was fine Bella seemed to make a few friends" I said with a small smile on my face with Bella shooting daggers at me but dad didn't seem to notice. "And what about you Anny did you make any new friends?"

'Ugh I hate it when he calls me that but I don't have the heart to tell him to stop I mean the mans been calling me that since I was 2' I thought while zoning out.

Dad cleared his throat, gaining my attention "mhm Anya?" "Oh right uh yea I made some friends.." I lied but he doesn't need to know that.

The rest of dinner went by awkwardly and soon enough we went home. Once home I took a nice steaming hot shower, did my nighttime routine and sat by the window drawing in my sketch book.

After I got bored of drawing I decided to head to bed. 'Once again Bella is everyones center of attention. Dad didn't even try to talk to me again since dinner and Bella just ignored me. Just like old times' I thought before drifting off to sleep that night.

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