Fake Friends

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I looked closely at the man across the field and saw that it was a dark skinned man with long dreads and a purple type suit.

In a blink of an eye he randomly appeared in front of us and I gasped. I noticed his blood red eyes and felt a pang of fear flow through me but I wasn't going to let him know that. I didn't know what or who he was but I did know that he wasn't human.

"Laurent" I snapped my head to my sister, eyes wide with shock at how she knew this strange man in front of us.

I wasn't paying much attention due to fear but I pushed Bella slightly behind me when she was having a conversation with the man and I could feel her shaking.

He started asking about the Cullens and my anger spiked at the mention of them. He then started talking about this women named Victoria who apparently wanted to kill Bella!

'What the hell did my sister get herself and now me into?' I thought but I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"oh Victoria isn't going to be happy about my killing you. But I can't help it you are so mouth watering." Laurent spoke so calmly that it sent a chill down my spine "you're not going to lay a finger on her or I swear to god you won't live to see tomorrow." I spoke with so much confidence and bravery that even I was surprised "well well well now who are you? Mmm you are even more mouth watering then Bella here. Don't worry I will make it quick and painless-" he spoke while sniffing the air before suddenly he stopped talking all together and looked around.

I noticed he was on edge and so I looked to where he was staring and I was confused and not seeing anything. "I don't believe it." He said slowly, shock clear in his voice. Suddenly a large russet brown wolf appeared next to Bella something seemed familiar about it though.

Next thing I knew the man in front of me left with lightning supernatural speed and 4 more wolves appeared charging after it.

The black one stopped and stared at me and I realized that Bella took off running without me so I took off into a sprint to follow after her until I made it in the truck right as she was about to leave.

"What the hell Bella you were going to leave without me!? And who was that man? How did he know your name?!" I screamed wide eyed, feeling angry and scared and confused all at once.

She didn't answer and just floored on the gas speeding home. Bella rushed out of the truck to go inside while I stayed in the car to try and call Embry, but it went straight to voicemail "Emmy it's me Anya, Bella and I were out in the woods and there were these huge ass wolves and oh my god Emmy you won't believe it I mean you will but Bella literally ran off without me and tried to drive off without me even in the car! Call me back please I need my best friend." I hung up after leaving a message and saw dad and Harry walking out but I saw how Harry looked concerned and nervous like he was hiding something.

I got out of the truck and my dad came up to me "Anya stay inside and don't you dare go into the woods. You got that?" All I could do was nod my head and quickly make my way inside.

I went to sleep that night confused, confused on what that man was, confused on how my sister was involved with all of this, confused on what those wolves were doing and if they were okay and finally I was confused on why Embry hadn't called me back yet.

Two weeks have passed and Embry still hasn't answered any of my calls or texts and I haven't really seen Quil around which was odd too but I just figured he was upset over Embry as well. I was starting to worry about my two best friends and if they were okay. Apparently Jake was also ignoring Bella which was odd since he's like in love with her.

I woke up that morning deciding to go on a walk to clear my head, especially since Bella has been getting more and more rude now that Jake was ignoring her.

I had been walking for probably around 30 minutes now before I saw a figure in the distance. I squinted my eyes and walked towards the guy with no shirt and only shorts on.

My jaw dropped when I saw who it was "Em-Emmy?" He looked at me wide eyed "A-Anya what the hell are you doing here?" He asked me but this wasn't my Emmy he sounded angry and mad at me something he never was.

"what the hell happened to you? You cut your hair, you grew like a lot and you got really buff and you even got a fucking tattoo?!" I questioned, shocked at my best friend in front of me. He looked at the ground before speaking "Anya go home you can't be here" I scoffed "what so now you think that you own the woods or something?"

He stood straight and rolled his eyes "Anya I said go home. Now." I stood there confused before I got mad "no I don't want to go home I want to be here with you." I said standing my ground "Well I don't want to be with you okay? I'm not good for you anymore and I don't want you to be around me. So stop trying to talk to me and leave me the hell alone."

I didn't know what to say so there I stood tears brimming my eyes that I wouldn't let fall "What? If you didn't want to be my friend you could've just told me that instead of ignoring me for two fucking weeks while I worried my ass off! Hell even better you shouldn't have even talked to me that day in the garage if you were going to just randomly decide that you don't want me in your life anymore!" I screamed my body full of rage and sadness.

He looked back at the ground with guilt lacing his face but quickly hid it with an emotionless expression "Leave Anya and don't come back I'm not good or safe for you anymore." That was all he said before he turned and ran off sprinting in the opposite direction of me.

I wanted to chase after him but I was stuck in my spot upset over how easily my best friend ended our friendship, mad at how I trusted someone and let them in.

I turned and slowly made my way back home. Suddenly numb knowing I lost my only two friends.

Once I got home Bella looked me up and down with a confused and somewhat annoyed expression "what the hell happened to you?" She asked quietly but with enough venom that it sounded rude. I could only mumble one word "Embry" before turning on my heels and locking myself in my room.

Once there I checked my phone and saw that Quil still hadn't replied to my calls or texts either and I decided that I didn't want to go through another Embry situation so I just gave up. 'Damn it's gonna hurt so much not having my two best friends with me anymore' I thought letting one tear slip from my eyes before forcing myself not to cry and telling myself that I didn't care. Congratulations Forks you managed to rip away another part of who I am.

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