Finding Answers

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After Bella left we all headed into the house. Sam left the room to call Billy. "So Anya, how does it feel to be one of us?" Jared asked me with a smirk on his face.

I looked back up at him with a shy smile "uh well my body hurts like a lot... but it's pretty cool. Minus the fact that this means I was probably adopted..." I trailed off at the end, tears brimming my eyes.

Jared came up to me and pulled me into one of his famous jare bear hugs. "Hey this only means that you don't have to keep saying you're related to those idiotic people who never saw your full worth." He told me softly while combing through my hair.

Paul walked over to us and pulled me into his lap while sitting down "Jared's right baby, now you don't have to be related to the leech lover." I laughed at his words and just nodded my head before laying back into his chest and trying to relax.

Around 20 minutes later the door quickly opened showing Billy. He quickly wheeled over to me and hugged me "oh greenie I'm so so sorry. I promise you I will do everything in my power to figure this out." He told me while wiping a fallen tear off of my face.

I gave him a weak smile before hugging him again. "Uncle B did my dad ever mention anything about me possibly being adopted?" I quietly asked him as he gave me a sad look.

"That I know of he never said anything but I did notice the difference in his words as he spoke about you and then Bella." He said as he let out a big sigh. "I want to find out the truth about this." I stated while looking at everyone in the room.

"And we will." I heard Sams voice ring through the room causing everyone to look at him. "Anya I want you to try and get some rest and then this weekend we will start your training." It was Thursday now so that meant I had two days to ask Charlie about the adoption.

I nodded my head before a thought came into my mind "wait, if I really am adopted, where am I gonna stay? Because I know for a damn fact that I'm not staying with Charlie or Bella anymore." I quietly asked while looking at the ground.

Emily came up to me and grabbed both of my hands "sweetie you can move in here. I know that me and Sam both see you as our daughter, so we'd be happy to take you in." She softly stated looking back at Sam who nodded.

I stared at them in shock before speaking "what, no I can't ask you guys to do that for me." "Well then it's a good thing you didn't ask." Sam said while giving me a cheeky grin.

It was now Saturday and I still haven't gone to my house to pick up my clothes. Today was the day that Sam was going to teach me to fight. I was really excited but also nervous.

I walked out into the yard dressed in black leggings and a grey sports bra. The whole pack waited there for me. Once they heard me they all turned around and smirked at me "are you ready little one?" Sam asked while walking over to me and putting his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up at him before grinning "hell yea I am! Imma beat your ass old man." I confidently spoke making him chuckle a little.

"I have no doubt that you'll do good but don't get too cocky since this is your first time and because I am the alpha." He spoke with warning in his voice. I just rolled my eyes and got into position.

"Okay on three. One... two.... Three!" He came running at me but I swiftly avoided him. He turned around and tried coming at me again, this time he grabbed hold of my arms to try and take away any chance of movement.

He smirked at me and I took his moment of distraction to my advantage. I used my strength to grip onto his arms and flipped him over my head. He landed on the ground with a thump and seemed like the wind was knocked out of him.

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