Emilys and Friends

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We all turned our heads to see the three guys walking towards the door. Jake and mystery man were goofing off and playfully shoving each other.

They walk in and Sam immediately went up to Emily and gives her a kiss which I thought was cute. I smile at the relationship they have wishing someone would love me for once.

Little did I know my whole life was about to change all by one guy.

Jake and mystery man walked in and he sat down next to me while looking at Bella with a sarcastic smirk on his face "Sorry" was all he said to her.

Sam, Emily and Jared sat across from me, Embry and mystery boy who's name I still have yet to learn, while Quil stood behind Embry. Said mystery boy then turns to me looking me up and down then stopping and just staring at my face.

I took this time to notice his sharp jawline, beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and now slightly messy black hair that I found myself just wanting to run my fingers through.

I broke out of my trance once he started talking "well hello there gorgeous-" I scoffed and rolled my eyes "woah there pretty boy calm it down a notch. You might be pretty but I don't even know your name and you're already flirting with me. I mean at least you're bold but keep it in your pants for now." I stated sarcastically somehow feeling confident in front of this masterpiece of a man.

Everyone at the table started laughing even him, all except Bella who was glaring at me "I like this one she's got a sharp tongue" Jared stated from across the table.

"Yea and a short temper if you don't watch your mouth." I warned looking at him with a hint of mischief in my eyes.

This just made everyone laugh even more before I turned back to the beautiful man next to me "I'm Paul, Paul Lahote" he stuck his hand out. I eyed him up and down before replying.

"well it's very nice to meet you Paul. I'm Anya, Anya Swan." I put my small hand in his large one and immediately felt this electric shock go through us that made me never want to let go.

"well well well it seems like you've finally met your maker Paul" Embry said teasingly while Paul just sent him a glare "watch it Call" I looked at Paul taken aback.

"No you watch it. That's my best friend you're talking to and no one hurts my Emmy besides me." I stated giving him lots of sass.
He only smirked at me showing hints of pride and awe in his eyes.

"Aww princess it's so sweet of you to stick up for me especially against-" I whipped my head around to face Embry cutting him off. "Ah zip it! Don't even think that I've forgiven you for ignoring me and saying all the things you said. I might understand why you did it but you still hurt me Embry Call and you're gonna have to work your way back up to the top." He looked down to the ground in shame while everyone else snickered.

I turned back to look at Paul and his beautiful face "are you okay though? I don't want you being hurt." I asked looking at him with worry while he stared back at me with shock "yo-you wanna know if I'm okay even though I almost hurt you?" He stuttered, talking as if no one has ever cared enough to check on him.

"Yea of course. I mean it's not your fault that my sister was being stupid and irrational, pissing all of you off and it especially isn't your fault that she slapped you. Hell if I could turn into a giant wolf when mad HA I'd be one all the time thanks to her. So yes are you okay?" I reassured while once again asking if he was okay.

He smiled at me and not a smirk but a soft gentle smile "yea don't worry about me loca I'm okay. I'm tough." I looked at him confused but intrigued "Loca?" I asked him softly.

"Yea that's what I'm gonna call you I mean I'll call you tiny sometimes but I like loca. If you don't like it I won't-" "no no no it's not that I don't like it. It's just a new one for me. I've never been called that before. And as I told Jare, Emmy and Q, since you have a nickname for me I get one for you." I said making it known that I wasn't taking no for an answer.

He smiled before nodding signaling for me to continue "I think I'm gonna call you pretty boy and I don't care that you're gonna hate this one but I'm also gonna call you Pauly"

He threw his head back "hell no that is a ridiculous name!" he groaned while everyone else tried to hold back their laughter "I don't care. I like it and therefore it is staying so suck it up buttercup."

He shook his head while chuckling softly. I heard Jake scoff and everyone turned to look at him "what? What's that face for?" I questioned utterly confused as to why he was shooting literal daggers at me. "Don't 'what's that face for' me. How the hell could you stand up for him against your own sister, your twin? God Bella was right you really are stupid and selfish"

I heard a growl come from next to me before him and Bella both left the house. I turned to Paul and put my hand on his arm "hey hey look at me, it's okay I'm okay" Paul immediately calmed down and just nodded softly.

Before the door closed I heard Bella shout "hey Anya me and Jake are leaving without you so find your own way home since you wanna be an ass." That was all she said before I heard car doors closing and then the roar of an engine before they drove off.

At this point there were growls coming from all the wolves in the room. "Is she always like that towards you? And what the hell is up with Jake? I thought he was your friend?" Jared questioned while basically growling. "Uhm yea but normally she's worse than that but it's- it's okay."

I cleared my throat gaining everyone's attention "mhm so can someone please explain everything to me especially how vampires are real and what my sister has to do with it?"

Sam looked at me before nodding his head and going into depth about the legends of the pack and how they came to be but also the backstory of the Cullens and the legends on vampires.

To say that at the end I was surprised was an understatement. My surprise then turned to confusion and I think it was written all over my face.

"Hey what's wrong you look confused?" Paul asked while putting his arm around me making me blush slightly which I knew he noticed when a small smirk made it's way onto his face.

"I just don't understand. Why are you guys so okay with me knowing your most important secrets but not my sister who already knew half the truth? Is it cause she's a leech lover?" All the guys at the table started crying with laughter while I got even more confused by that "what? Was it something I said?" I looked to Paul for an answer.

"I mean yes and no it's just that we call vampires leeches but there's no way you could've known that so the fact that you said it made it ten times funnier and honestly I'm kinda happy that you see it our way." He answered smirking with a look of pride written on his face.

I could feel my cheeks heat up even more so I quickly looked away. "Ooo someone's blushing!" Jared teased as I threw him a glare "watch it Cameron or imma punch you and don't think I won't" I warned calmly but also darkly and I saw that it sent a chill down his spine.

"Bro she's telling the truth. Trust me I made her mad one time and she smacked the shit outta me!" Embry warned and I stuck my tongue out at him while giggling.

Sam rolled his eyes before speaking "To answer your question little one we're okay with you knowing because you're apart of our family now which means you're one of us. And yes we didn't want your sister to know because we deem her untrustworthy but not only because she sides with vampires but also because she's selfish. Unlike you who has good intentions and you didn't try and force it out of us. Like when Embry had to cut ties with you, yes you're mad and upset but you let him go because you respected his decision and you didn't force him to do something he didn't want too even though he did want to tell you."

Everyone looked at Sam with wide eyes but I was first to speak up "wow I never knew that you guys would see me that way especially after one night. And hold up 'little one'? I never took you as the type to give nicknames." I giggled at the thought of Sam going soft. "what can I say you're just special little one" all the guys and Emily hummed in agreement until Quil spoke up.

"hey Anya we were all going to the beach tomorrow since it'll be sunny you should come. What do you say?" Everyone nodded along and I looked at Paul who was basically begging me with his eyes so I nodded eagerly and a real smile broke out onto my face. In this moment I didn't have any worries.

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