Break in the bond

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(Carrying off from the end of last chapter. Tw mentions of s/a)

I walked into Bella's room slowly unsure of what to do "hey bells are you alright?" She didn't answer so I walked up to her and softly put a hand on her shoulder. She quickly slapped it away while standing up.

"Go away Anya. Can't you see that I don't want to talk to you?" She snapped at me. "I-I only wanted to see that you were okay" I trailed off at the end "well I'm fine so you can leave now." She replied with a harsh bite in her tone.

That's when my anger started bubbling "what the hell is wrong with you all I ever do is be nice to you and try and make sure you're okay and you're just a ass in return acting as if I'm such a burden on your life!?" I yelled awaiting for an answer.

"That's because you are a burden on my life and I'm sorry that I'm being rude but that's just how I feel now please leave me alone." She mumbled the first part so quietly to the point where I couldn't tell if I heard her correctly but I heard the rest just fine so I walked out of her room going straight to sit at the window in my room.

I looked out the window sketching everything that I saw to calm myself down from going back in there and starting a huge fight. I don't have the best temper in the world so I always have to try really hard to control it, that's one of the reasons on why I always stay in my room. I sat there until I decided to go take a shower.

The next morning I unwillingly got out of bed for school. I wasn't in the best of moods so I wore leggings and a brown baggy sweater with black Nike gym shoes and only applied mascara. While most people wouldn't put any makeup on while in a bad mood I always do because I feel insecure without it.

I silently walked downstairs with a scowl on my face, still upset from the night before. I grabbed an apple before saying goodbye to my dad "bye dad I love you see you after school." He repeated what I said and once he was done I walked out the door into Bella's car.

The day went by quickly but I noticed that none of the Cullens were at school which gave me a weird feeling but I just shrugged it off thinking it was nothing.

I decided to go take a nap after school so I didn't hear Bella when her and Edward went on a walk into the woods. I was woken up by Jake shaking me by my shoulders "Anya wake up, come on Anya wake up now." I opened my eyes still half asleep until I heard the words I never thought I'd have to hear "Anya you have to get up Bella's missing!" I instantly shot up from bed and nodded at Jake running out of my house to see people surrounded by my house and my dad, Billy, and Harry Clearwater by my dads cop car with a map laid out in front of them "dad what the hell happened what's going on?" I questioned fear laced in my words "oh Anya thank god, have you seen Bella? Do you know where she is?" He hurriedly asked me and all I could do was shake my head.

I felt useless as I stood there watching all these people trying to find my sister until I heard someone yell "Charlie, Anya!" Jake yelled looking into the woods, I squinted my eyes and saw someone carrying my sister I took off running only to see that that someone wasn't just anyone but Sam Uley.

I was so confused and wondered how he found her and I saw Sam and Billy 'discreetly' nod at each other which made a pit grow in my stomach but I oddly felt safe. I hurried to catch up with my dad and we set Bella down waiting for her to wake up.

These past few months have been full of Bella isolating herself in her room and not talking to anyone and barely moving from looking out the window. I didn't know what to do and it got worse and worse each day when she started getting night terrors that would wake everyone up due to her screaming.

I was getting worried for her and I could tell dad was stressed from having to deal with her and also the build up of cases that he was getting.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and nothing seemed to be getting better. I was sitting on my bed reading until Bella came into my room "Hey Charlie wants me to get out more so I was wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with me and Jessica since ya know we never really talk?" She shyly asked while looking at the floor. I hesitated worried that she would just get mad at me again but I wanted her to get better so I responded "sure why not" We each got ready and went to the movies with Jessica but she had to leave early because of a family emergency.

We were walking on the sidewalk after the movie when Bella suddenly stopped, looking at a gang of motorcycle riders and tried walking up to them so I quickly grabbed her arm "Bella what the hell do you think you're doing?" I questioned looking at her like she grew two heads. She glared at me and ripped her arm out of my hold before continuing to walk over to them.

She talked to what looked like the leader of the gang and I quickly walked over trying to get her to stop but I was too late and one of the guys grabbed me and dragged me to an alley. I fought against him as hard as I could but his hold was too tight. He slammed me against the wall and put a knife against my neck telling me not to move or make a sound.

I fearfully listened to what he said too scared to see what would happen if I didn't. I could feel his slimy hands on me as I cried and whimpered as he took my clothes off and did what he wanted to me.

After what felt like hours of torture I ran away once let out of his grip a crying mess with make up smeared all down my face. I ran home as fast as I could stopping once to catch my breath by the woods and continued to walk as I silently cried and shake, realizing that my sister never cared or seemed to notice I was gone.

As I was walking I heard something snap in the woods I shot my head in that direction only to see nothing. I started speed walking to get home faster unknowing of the black wolf following me home making sure I got home safely.

Once home I ran to the shower to try and clean myself of the man's touch, I scrubbed at my body till it turned red and formed a rash. After my shower I went into Bella's room asking her why she left me deciding not to tell her what happened "where the hell did you go you just completely left me there!?" I yelled wanting answers "it's not my fault you weren't there when I got back" she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

I quickly stormed out of the room not wanting to loose my temper or reveal what actually happened to me. 'She really doesn't care about me or what could and did happen to me all because of her selfish decisions' I thought while blankly staring out the window. I started to cry once again while the black wolf in the woods secretly stared at me through the trees.

The next day Bella brought me with her to go see Jacob I only went because I missed my friend and needed a distraction. We got out of the truck and saw him walk up to us "Bella where have you been loca?" He questioned while picking her up and twirling her around once he put her down he walked over to me and engulfed me in a side hug "hey tiny I've missed you and having you as my arm rest." I scoffed and playfully pushed him away.

I zoned out everything that Bella and Jake were talking about just reliving last night over and over again until I was shook out of my thoughts by Jake "hey tiny let's go we're building bikes." I was kind of scared at the mention of motorcycles since it reminded me of that man but quickly hid it (something I've become a master at throughout the years).

A couple days had passed and now here we are sitting in Jake's garage while he works on the bike talking to Bella. I was lost in thought until I heard a knock on the garage door "yo Jake you in here?" I see two teenage boys walk in through the door, I quickly stood and backed up "hey it's alright girls these are my guys." Jake went back to talking to Bella while the two boys came up to me.

"hey beautiful-" I cut him off "whoa whoa I'm gonna stop you right there. You might be pretty but I don't go for younger boys, sorry pretty boy."

Him and the other boy just started laughing " damn I like it you got a sharp tongue. I'm Embry Call." He introduced while putting his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and shook it "Anya Swan pleasure is all yours. And who might you be?" I said while smirking "Quil Atera and I think the pleasure is yours."

We all started laughing at eachother and oddly enough I felt safe and started to feel better.

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