𝐗 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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That was weird... I can't help but feel concerned for Drea. It's like something in her switched. Her confident yet laid back posture suddenly changed into a more unnerving one... Not to mention her vigorous fidgeting; shaking her leg and tapping Maybel's knee. She was looking everywhere trying to focus on one thing. Her once starry eyes held fear. I don't understand... What is she so afraid of? She's like a completely different person in that moment.

Turning off the tv, I put a blanket over Sam's resting body and looked at the clock. 8:37pm. Thirty more minutes before I go to bed. I love Sam's place, it's so cozy.

"Em?" Her groggy voice called out.

"Hmm?" I hummed not wanting to disturb her after waking up.

"Watcha thinking about?" she sat beside me.


"Well, the fact that you're brows are furrowed says so otherwise." Damn it. She knows too me well!

"Alright fine. I'm concerned for Drea."

"Why so?"

"Well, she seemed off. Like very off."

"Maybe she was just tired."

"She was fidgeting, trying to calm herself down. Almost like... Stimming."

"So you're saying, she could be autistic?"

Rolling my eyes, I inform her.
"Everybody stims Sam, but neuro diverse people do it far more often. It is a way of coping with anxiety, stress, nervousness, or even excitement."

"Wow. Didn't need a whole lesson on it though" she laughs.

"I know it's normal... But she was doing it in a way neurologically diverse people do. Heck she was rocking back and forth probably unconsciously!"

Sam pondered, "do you think she has ADHD?"

"Yes. By the way she always spaces out and her short attention span, it kinda confirms it. Now I'm just wondering what triggered her almost panic attack..."

"Welp, maybe it's not our business to know. Oh and it 9pm, you should sleep now." Sam tiredly went back to bed. And I followed soon after.

When we got to school, I noticed a lot of my classmates staring at me... It's kinda uncomfortable. So I kept close to Sam's side.

"Hey Emma! Can you teach me how to do this formula?" Suddenly a student popped up in my back and startled me.

"O-oh uh..." I stuttered. I don't wanna turn her down... But I don't wanna help either- oh she's really close...

"Maybe you should ask Drea for help" Sam saved me. I just kept quiet, a lot of attention still on me. No no no. It's happening again... Looking at Anna, she was glaring at me. We haven't talked much this couple of days, she was clearly avoiding me. Oh no. This attention should be hers. I don't deserve any of this. She was working so hard to get the attention while I just aced a few tests! I'm such a Horrible sister...

"Do y'all need help?" Drea suddenly popped up from my side and asked, her expression innocent and ready to help.

"Actually, yes. They do." Sam smirked.

"All righty then. I'll teach y'all the formula." Drea shrugged and smiled sweetly walking towards them, but not before her smooth, soft hand touched my elbow in a comforting way. I absolutely dislike physical touch but hers was different. It felt like a soft feather bringing warmth in my heart. It's like she knew I was almost close to a panic attack...

"Em? Are you alright?" Sam said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You're blushing quite profusely..." She whispered, smirking.

"W-what? No.. let's go to our seats!"

Finally seating down, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Drea. And I noticed... Her flaws... She was having trouble communicating with this girl, who was quite confused. It seems like Drea doesn't know the right body signals to do. When the girl finally got it, Dre just raised her thumbs and awkwardly smiled. Nonetheless the girl still appreciated her gesture. I couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle. Who knew that the Great Drea has some social problems.

I was still overwhelmed by the amount of attention I was getting, but what Dre did certainly helped my mind calm down.

The lesson ended and we all got out to get lunch. I of course went with Drea, Sam, and Maybel. The tension between the two is thick. Like, they both kept stealing glances at each other and secretly hiding their smile. Drea too was watching amused. Just date already!

My mind kept drifting of to Anna. I can't believe she's even more mad at me. I just want to set things straight with her, be like the old good times. It's like she's not even my sister anymore... I'd do anything for her.

"Hey." Her soft, luscious voice said, and I suddenly felt that same feather softness touch my shoulder. Warmth spread like forest fire all throughout my body. I look at Drea, her starry eyes filled with worry.


"You've been attacking that hotdog for five minutes, and I'm afraid he's fallen." Drea said sadly.

I can't help but laugh at her sympathy for the hotdog, my negative thoughts quickly vanished seeing her sweet smile, warmth still present in my neck.

What are you doing to me, Drea?

𝐀/𝐍: oop-
Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell me what you think!!
-Bea :3

𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 (𝒈𝒙𝒈) Where stories live. Discover now