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A/N: long chapter ahead!


"Let's get going." Drea says, hopping into the expensive looking car. Honestly, I don't even know why I asked her that. I mean, I could always chill with Sam, but I wanna spend more time with Drea. Something was pulling me towards her, and I won't fight it. Yes, this decision messed up my daily schedule, but I'm willing to change it for her. Her only.

When we arrived, I froze. What in the damn chicken nuggets?! That house- no, mansion is huge! It's like 5 times bigger than mine. It had at least 4  floors, and it was a mix of black, white, and gray colors giving it a modern look. It took me a second to get out of the car, but when I did, Drea grabbed my hand and guided me towards the door. Entering the mansion, I was more stunned by the inside. There was a huge spiral staircase with gold embeddings in the center of the living room. Huge family portraits were displayed all over the walls with Drea and her family. Getting close, I further inspected the portraits while Drea was busy talking with a butler. A butler.

There was one when she was I'm assuming sixteen, sitting at a piano and smiling, not aware of the camera. She looked so carefree, like she's surrounded by music notes. I can almost hear her play through the picture.

"There you are! Come on, I'll give you a quick tour of the highest floor." Nodding, I followed her and we walked the big stairs almost endlessly.

"This floor belongs to me, actually. It where I keep my things." Drea explains as we reach the top. There were many rooms surrounding the stairs.

"Here we have the art room, where I dump all of my unfinished projects." She showed me a room filled with art pieces, each with different characteristics. Buckets of paint and brushes surrounded the area with a big canvas in the middle, waiting to be painted on.

"Did you do all of this?" I ask, pacing around the room.

"Yep, ever since I was little. Art has been my uh.. coping mechanism for stress." She seemed distant for a sec, before turning back and smiling at me.

"Anyways, let's show you the other rooms." We walked a bit more further before arriving at a door.

"This is the music room." Wow. Different kinds of instruments hanged on the wall, and a big piano in the middle. That must be where the picture was taken.

"This is Sky, my first and favorite electric guitar." She said lifting up a beautiful cyan colored guitar. It must have been customized base on the cat engravings on the frets. A/N: This is a real description of a guitar I have at home :)

"And that is my piano. Some instruments belonged to my family but was passed on to me. I rarely use them though" she chuckled, looking at the violins and saxophones almost like reminiscing a memory.

"And let's go to a room I think you'd like very much." She smiles cheekily as we wonder the floor, arriving at an even bigger door. 

All of a sudden, a strong scent of books and coffee filled my nostrils. Oh no she doesn't-

"Tada!" A library. A ducking library. I can't believe it. There were numerous shelves with labels indicating their genre. There was a table and bean bag chairs in the middle. The way it is all organized is scratching my OCD. And there is a coffee machine. The whole atmosphere is so calming, the scent of books, coffee, and vanilla lingering around the room, easing my anxiousness. It smelled just like her. Okay that's weird.

"We can chill here if you'd like later, this is where I mostly do my homework." She smiles and oh my god I love my life.

"Absolutely!" I say excited.

"Okay, before that, let's go to my room first so we can drop off your stuff." Walking out, we went to the furthest part of the floor until we reached a closed door, "Drea" spelled out in cute stickers. When she opened the door, oh my meatballs-

The room was amazing. It's absolutely giving Drea. Her whole personality is in a room. Messy but organized, like it looks organized but naturally messy. I kinda like it. The ceiling is black, the walls are  black, only a white strip separating them. Posters of Twenty Øne Piløts in a corner, along with albums of Billie Eilish, Girl In Red, Cavetown, Taylor Swift, and many more. Polaroid pictures of what I assume to be her trips hanged on one side of the room, a massive queen sized bed on the center. And a giant flat screen TV in the corner.

"Welcome.." Drea let out shyly, almost ashamed of her room. I was just in awe. The room felt like her, smells like her, and has this aura that calms me down. Like her.

I immediately felt the urge to jump on her bed and smell the covers. Wait eww. What's wrong with me today?

"You can drop your stuff on the table, get comfortable." Drea suggested and I just nodded. Doing what she told me, I soon sat on her soft, fluffy bed.

"I'll just change, and we'll go to my library." She opens up a door (I didn't even see at first) and walks in. True be told, it's a walk in closet. Of course. When she got out, wearing a comfortable oversized t-shirt and some pants, we go back to the library. She guided me through the shelves.

"Would you prefer a romance? Or a fantasy genre?"

"I'll go with romance."

"Perfect. Straight, gay, or sapphic?" She casually asks while looking through the romance section. I guess she's recommending me one.

"Uh, sapphic." That answer seemed to surprise her, turning her head to me, we met eye contact.

"O-okay, I know the perfect one for you." She began browsing through a shelf, pulling out a book called "Her Royal Highness" by Rachel Lacey. A/N: y'all should go read it, it's amazing :)

Sitting down on one of the bean bags, I began reading the description while Drea adjusts the lighting in the room, yes, the room has controls of the lighting, to a more soft and yellow tone. It suddenly made it more comfortable to read, my eyes relaxed and closed.

"Coffee? Or tea?" A more soothing, soft voice asked. It shocked me as my eyes open to see Drea. No, it's like a completely different Drea. She had a relaxed and happy expression, laid back, and seemed more giddy. This is not the cool, stern, matured Drea I know. Somehow, I've seen this before... The look in her eyes, this childish like sparkle.

"Em?" She asks worriedly. I must've been staring.

"Y-yeah? Oh! Coffee is fine." I stuttered, still stunned.

"Really? Same! I love coffee, although it doesn't give me the caffeine I need, I still like the flavor! Ooh! I prefer it cold on summer, and hot on rainy days. Speaking of rainy days, I think it's raining hard." She spoke fast and shrugs. Who is this and why is she so cute. Is this really Drea? Wait, it's raining?! I immediately sat up and looked through the window. The tree is almost yanked out of the ground as strong winds blew accompanied with heavy rainstorm. I don't think I'm able to go home...

"SLEEPOVER!" Drea yelled excitedly. Sighing, I guess there's no choice.

"Alright, sleepover." I smile at her and her eyes twinkled. I'm already getting soft. She's so cute!

𝐀/𝐍: hello everybody! This is my longest chapter yet, I hope you enjoy. I really like this chapter, I had fun writing it! Sadly, that may be the last chapter I post until Thursday, so better make due! I have lots of plans for this book, so stay tuned!
Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think!
Bea :3

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