Chapter 1

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When the two Grayson brothers where young Ric was always the strong and aggressive one while Dick was the happy go lucky and the kind hearted one out of them both. They have different personalities and opinions from one another but they had never argued nor fought with each other once in their short time as brothers. It was because Ric was always silent and was a good listener and knew his younger twin inside, out. While Dick couldn't even understand his older brother as he had never heard the boy speak and doesn't really know him well. But that didn't stop him from loving the male any less.

But that was until the death of their parents. They where on the trapeze doing their signature act and had the crowd going wild with how daring their mother and father were. Always putting on a great show for the people that paid to watch the act to see the circus. All eyes where on their parents as they stood at the side waiting for their go as they both had practice together for so long now and dreamed of the day to be like their parents and sore into the sky.

Dick grinned at the sight of his smiling parents and the people that cheered making him shiver as he looked at his older brother. For once in his life and for Ric's as well the older smiled. It wasn't a big grin like Dick's but it held more emotions than anything. And it had shocked Dick as he loved that smiled even though it was rather small but it was a beautiful one. 'I wish to see you smile like that more often.' He though and grinned at the older before turning back their parents and frowned.

A strange man was at the other end of the trapeze and was kneeling down. Dick looked at them rather confused and Ric noticed this and his eyes widen and he froze in place, "What is he doing?" The older asked as he looked worried and frightened. Dick didn't understand what the older was asking until he saw the man unscrewing the bolts and they had to watch their parents fall down to their deaths screaming.

The twins looked down at them in absolute horror as they couldn't believe what they had to see. Dick looked at the man who was covered in a coat so no one could proper see their face and they where smirking down at the bloody mess of the two boy's parents. Ric gritted his teeth and clenched his fist knowing that he was too weak and frail if he where to try go up against the adult man. Dick just teared up and cried and the two got down of the trapeze and where guided to the police officers that where called and where too late.

The many officers looked and searched the area and deemed it an accident that was bound to happen. Angering the two boys that looked like each other. Ric now had enough of waiting for hours among hours as he walked off and the officers seemed to only care about the younger brother. Who was the easiest to talk to and get information out of. So when he left he was forgotten instantly and missed his chance at being adopted by a man who lived in billions.

Though Ric didn't care about that really all he wanted was to be with his brother. That was the only reason that he had regretted on walking off. Although he wouldn't have had a normal life like he does now.

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