Chapter 8

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The whole batfamily that where at the Manor when Ric had delivered them their take out a few days ago had a meeting. Well minus both Dick because it was going to be about his twin brother and that topic was sensitive to him now and Alfres who was getting too old to deal with they family missions. "So we all have agreed that we will take turns and see if one of us are able to get this Ric man to live with us?" Bruce had asked everyone that came and all of them nodded.

Bruce sighs as he decided to go first and was able to find the twin's home. He knocked on the door and wait. 'This house is rather... unstable.' He thought and grew a little concerned for the male's well being. As the door opened Ric was their with a scowl plastered on his face when he realised who it was. "Oh its you the man that took my baby brother away from me. What is it that you want now?" He asked with venom in his voice and leans against the door frame and looked at his nails.

Bruce gulps as he now had a better look at the male they really looked like Dick in every way except for the hair it was shorter but suited the male nicely. It was the only thing that helped people from telling them apart and Ric also had some stable as well on his handsome face. 'A geuss great looks run in the family along with those perfect blue hues as well.' Bruce though and hums as he took a deep breath before he spoke up, "Dick really misses you and I'm more than willing to have you join our family."

Ric had raised a brow and groans at that, "I think I'll pass, I'm fine where I am." He says and slammed the door on Bruce and left no more room for discussion. Bruce just stood there frozen as he frowns his brows and sighs as he went back to his limo seeming as the man doesn't want to talk to him any time soon. 'Hopefully the rest are able to get through to him.' Bruce thought as he really didn't wish to see his oldest son all broken up like this. It was ruining preformens in the crime fighting field and where that he could easily get killed for being too careless.

'Please at least make him see that Dick is in need of his older brother now.'

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