Chapter 2

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As for what Ric does now. Well he lives alone in his crappy apartment in Gotham City still. Some how managing to live out his life in some form of peace he guessed. Even though the city was well known for its high crime rate and such but it had lowered down a bit. Which was thanks to Gotham's own dark Knights that are known to wonder and fight in the darkness of the night. Ric also had a decent paying job as a delivery man and a cab driver. Taking the two jobs was so that he was able to proved for himself and pay all his bills and rent on time without worry.

Life was easy like that for him and simple as well. He didn't have to worry about anyone anymore as he had no friend and no family. His only one had been living the life of luxury and lived in a near by city to Gotham. Ric was glad that Dick had a much more better life than he does. A life that had made the shy boy into a great man who was responsible and still kind to others. Having many brothers that had now replaced Ric and took care of the younger twin better than he had ever could.

Ric sighs as he was on his couch and was watching the TV while eating some chicken flavoured noodles. He looked at the screen where the news had came on and showed the famous billionaire Bruce Wayne who had taking Dick away from the life that he could of been stuck in. 'I wonder what they even do at that big mansion I'm going to assume that the guy owns. Probably some party's and other random shut that every rich person does. But than again Mr Wayne doesn't seem like any average rich, stuck asshole.' Ric thought and shrugs as he continued to ate.

He doesn't care what the older man does with their billions the only reason he watched the billionaire was because Dick was always beside the man when they where representing a business plan that they had worked into action. Also Ric liked to catch up on things that he may have missed because of his many hours of his work time he has to do.

Once Ric was finished eating and heard that Bruce planning on trying to rebuild the city it had made him scuff at the man's to high ideals. 'If he can do it than do it, but for a city like this where super villians roam the streets all the time and can attack anywhere at any time they want its impossible.' He thought and went to put his bowl and fork into the sink and froze when he had heard Dicks voice. "We believe that change is needed and with the many vigilante that have been trying to protect our city its not enough at this point. We need to prevent the problem before it begins we have learnt and we will be starting by allowing those who can't afford to get therapy to have free sessions." Dick says and held his famous smile that had charmed nearly everyone that saw the handsome man.

Ric sighs at this as he thought that Dick by now would have been much smart and not share his idiotic ideals. 'Not everyone would be fine with such a big change and having people going to free sessions is just going to make the people who are working as a therapist under paid unless Mr Wayne is planning on paying them. But I hardly doubt he would as that would mean he would be giving up billions of his money to the workers.' Ric thought and sighs once more and just wash the pots as the day suddenly went dark.

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