Chapter 7

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Dick watched his brother leaving him and was immediately heartbroken by it as this was their first reunion in like years. And now he was watching Ric leave him again but this time he had a family that was there and picked him up. "Just forget about him, he's an asshole and probably doesn't know you as well as he thinks he does." Jason sat as his way of trying to confort Dick which only made Dick cry in even more, "He's not when we where younger he was caring and kind to me even though he didn't talk back then we where happy being together." Dick trys to defend his older twin.

"He probably was just feeling hurt is all seeing that I have a family and he isn't in it." Dick trys to explain the possible reason for Ric's actions and that made the older realise just how much that he missed Ric and how little he actually been in the man's life. 'I'm sorry I must be a horrible brother for not really knowing you and having you join in on the family I had joined.' Dick thought.

Everyone hugged Dick who only cried harder at this and soon was carried inside the mansion to have their food. He ate in sadness as the house was silent and filled with nothing but his loud sobs of pain. Tim and Damian would glare at each other now and then but stayed far away from each other and Tim still had a red hand print on his cheek where he was slapped. Jason was trying to just focus on eating and nothing more as he was bad at comforting people in general.

Barbara had sat next to Dick and patted his back and left light kisses on his cheeks to make him feel better. But it seemed like nothing had worked as they all let him cry as they all ate. As for the first time in their lives they all had felt hopeless in helping someone that they all cared and loved.

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