Chapter 4

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The next morning after everyone had ended up stay up all night to watch the two younger ones play, leaving the city to be protected by Harley and Superman who begun to become great friends afterwards. And they all had ended up sleeping and waking up at 10 in the morning making them panic and feeling rather hunger and Alfred was already away. So they just ended up skipping breakfast and went to work or to do their homework in Damian case as he had the day off since it was a Saturday.

Jason just stayed seat for a but before he went to shower and get ready. Dick went to work after changing and taking a shower. Tim went to his mates place in Metropolis where they always meet. Bruce went to the office of his company as he normally does. This was an every day thing that they all do.

So when later into the day they all went back to the Manor Alfred was still not there yet and they where starving as they skipped both breakfast and lunch. Tim had decided to call for some take out as they where all bad at cooking minus Dick and Jason who are tired. And so for now they waited when they told their orders and the address. It was a long wait and Damian and Tim had begun to argue about it and Jason was pissed off by them and yelled at the two so they all began an even louder argument. Dick and Barbara where just talking about how their days went and some cases as well as there wasn't anything better to do. As for Bruce he just sat with them and was trying to read the news papers.

"Fight me Drake!" Damian yells at his older brother, "I would but you are too short. Can you even reach me from that height?" Tim asked mocking Damian's height. Jason growls at them both, "Okay both of you shut the fuck up or both of you will get a bullet through the fucking head!!" The two glared at each other then at Jason before pouncing on him as they now had a common enemy now.

Everything stopped as they all heard the doorbell ringing and soon it went silent as Bruce got up from his seat and glared at the three who are brawling on the floor. "I want everyone to stay silent and act normal." He demands as all of the people at the table nods and the three on the floor does as well as they went back to their seats. Bruce smiled at this and went to the door quickly not wanting to keep whoever is there waiting for much longer. And as he opened the door he was confused as he saw....

"Why do you look like Dick?"

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