Chapter 6

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"WHAAAAAA?!!" Everyone that was inside the Manor minus both Bruce and Dick yelled as they couldn't believe that there where two Grayson's. "When where you going to tell us that you had a twin Grayson?" Damian asked in a demanding tone to which Ric didn't like, "Watch you fucking tone their brat." He growls out as he glared down at the 13 year old boy, "its none of you business to know anything about Dick or if he had a brother." Ric scolded the boy who glared at him only flinch at the dull eyes of the older male.

Tim was enjoying this and yells, "teach the brat a lesson!" Only to be slapped by Ric, "Shut your mouth I don't want to be here so just pay me so I can leave." He snapped shocking the family who looked at Dick with a raised brow. Bruce sighs and paid for all the food and then Ric instantly went back to his car before being grabbed, "Please don't hit my brother okay." Dick says as he smiled at Ric who was angered by those words and pushed his twin down.

"Once I was brother so am i not anymore? So you have replaced me that easily? I thought that we used to be close and you wouldn't find a one that would be able to take my place. Geuss I was wrong and that you really don't care about as it seemed that you have even forgotten my existence while you live a life in luxury!" Ric yells at his brother and stormed of not looking back as he was clearly mad. Dick had reached his hand out wanting that half of him back. "Please come back I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He begs the older.

Ric growls and rolled his eyes slamming the car door and just drove of not letting Dick to explain himself. "Useless brother who needs family anymore when I was doing perfectly fine by myself." He says mostly to himself as tears ran down his face as he couldn't believe that he was that replaceable.

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