The Transfiggyration Lesson PART 2!!!!

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Half way through the lesson, da boss Will Schuester transfiggyrated a mice into a red rose. "Oh dear! I have made a rose! I am a failure!" he rapped disappointedly. Dumbeleedoor burst through the door and yelled, "Yes RONALD you are a failure and a disappointment to the school!" RONALD stood up, careful not not to knock Harry off his shoulder. "I object, your honour. I was not the one who committed such a heinous act. It would be against my moral code if I did so. Furthermore, I have witnesses who can say that it was not me but that swindling, ignorant buffoon Will Schue." He responded wittily. Dumbelleedoor turned to face Will and shouted in his face, spraying him with flecks of violent, violet spittle. "Is what he says true you filius canis?" Will stod up and ripped his shirt, flexing his impressive pectoral muscles. Across the room, Draco screamed as he wos hit in the eye with a button. Crying, he sobbed, "Just wait until my father hears about this!" Dumbelleedoor sprinted across the room and cradeled his mortally injured son and disappeared to the hospital wing. MacGonogol then decreed that the class was dismissed. Before leaving, Will Schuester stopped Hermione and gave her the rose that had caused so many problems in the class.


WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now