ough ....... WILL GETS OWNED

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Their next class was Quidditch, (which had replaced Quidutch since no one other than Neville liked it) and it wasn't going very well. So far Draco had gotten his eye gouged out with a broomstick, Eoghan had been whacked into a wall by his broomstick, Shoun had had his hair ripped out by a passing bramble bush with a bad attitude and Erik had crashed into Neville who was currently screaming at him in a torrent of Dutch. The tacher (who didn't have a name) was busy trying to keep everyone from further injury while a game was qoing on. In a corner, da boss Will Schuester and Voldemort were having a manly discussion about girls which went like this:

"She is MINE!!!"

"No she is not."

"Yes she is."

"No she is not."

"Et cetera et cetera."

Until Dumbelleedoor came and interrupted the lesson in a typical angry teacher fashion. "I have reason to believe that one of you slimy moths is complicit in the destruction of part of the skewel building. If any of you worthless maggots want to own up, now is the chance." Will Schue, standing sussilliy in the dark corner started nerviiously rapping. Dumbelleedoor looked in his direction and demanded, "Will you shut up, you lousy, little worm. You are totally, utterly worthless therefore I have deduced that it could not possibly be you, particularly with those very underwhelming, pathetic muscles of yours. Here's what real muscles taste like." And punched Will squarely in the big toe. He then left, leaving the unnamed teacher to teach the disastarous lesson.

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now