sideboard (NO)

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Outside, da boss Will Schuester gasped, heart wrenching heartache clutching at his heart with its wiggly waggly tendrils. "Oh my Siddhartha!" he rapped suprisedly, "My patatina is cheating on me! But with whom? I sense it is that furcifer, Voldemort!" Angrily, he kicked a wall. He then smashed a first years head into a sixteenth century, gothic, solid oak, hardwood armoire with ornate, iron embellishments. Looking at the first years face, he realised that it wasn't actually a first year. "Oh dear. I smashed Draco's head into a sideboard!" The crumpled heap on the floor then spoke, promptly losing consciousness straight after. "That's an armoire, you heathen." Will, taking offence at this, kicked him in the liver and loudly rapped, "I am not a heathen! I am a Hindu!" Somehow still awake, Draco interrupted again. "I thought you were a Buddhist." Irately, the Schuester stood on his calf. Luckily, Sherman rushed to his aid, whisking him off to the hospital wing before more damage could be inflicted upon him. Scowling, Will Schue stormed to go sulk in his room, slamming the door while muttering, "It's all the bird clock's fault." Pocking her head around the door, HeyZeus(1) replied, "Of COURSE it's the bird clock. It's ALWAYS the bird clock."

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now