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After the sleigh survey finished, all the eager children rushed out to playtime. UwU cat girl Hermione and da boss Will Schuester were walking together, under the dappled light at the outskirts of the forbidden forest. "Oooooooh, Will. I talked to Voldemort this morning. Oh, they are, like, soooooo hot." Will Schue gasped then started ro rap sonically. After a few minutes, his rapping had reached a critical point and formed a giant, Sebastian-the-crab red ball of energy which flew off into the space. Up in the starry sky, the ball expanded, erupting into a triangle of hot pink plant pots which swarmed together and destroyed a satellite which proceeded to fall onto the hospital wing of Pigwarts where Draco was running a betting ring. "Whoopsie." Rapped Will, non-sonically before he hastily exited to go to their next class.

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now