potiosn EVENT .

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Potions was their next lesson however, when the bell rang, the class was wandering aimlessly through the never-ending story, I mean coridoors, hopelessly lost. "Aaaaaiiiii!" screamed Erik, in a German accent (or Norwegian, you decide) "Ve are all going to die here!" Half the class then broke down into a sobbing heap of bodies. After fifteen years (minutes), a teacher tok pity on them and pointed them to the tower room where a substitute teacher was waiting. "And what, pray tell, are you doing arriving so late to my class? Detention! Every single one of you. Now, get out you're books and turn to page 843 million and 2. Read it for the rest of the lesson. And no speaking!!!" The aforementioned page was on lurve potions just in time for Valentine's Day (in a few months). After another half hour the teacher dismissed them saying, "Next lesson, we will be brewing lurve potions however; you will not be using them." All the boys groaned as they trudged from the room.

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now