silly willy

10 1 0

The morning dawned and no cockerels crowed since they were all dead. The sun shinned down warmly once again but no one was appreciating it since they were all still asleep. Just then, da boss Will Schuester screamed and rapped sonically, "Who put a pile of dragon poo on my favourite shorts? They're ruined!!!" As Will Schue wept over the devastating loss of his shorts, everyone else, having been rudely awakened by him, decided to track him down and slaughter him.

A/N: Will Schuester's shorts are ruined as dragon poo is acidic, otherwise he would just stick them in the washing machine. Or get someone to stick them in there for him, rather, as he's probably incapable of doing that himself (he's a bit thick)

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Where stories live. Discover now