chapter five

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the headache mackenzie had after this made her skip the rest of the day. she never skips but she really felt, weird. she placed her food on her desk and rested her backpack next to it, flopping onto her bed. she pulled off her sweatpants and slipped under the blankets of her bed, falling asleep relatively quickly.

she woke up to a knock on her door, seeing it had been three hours since she got home. eryn peaked his head in when she didn't answer and smiled softly.

"you alright?" he asked. she nodded and allowed him to come in, sitting up while rubbing her eyes.

"well, i was just going to bring over your work but i figured i might stay, get some good sleep." she smiled sleepily.

"what happened, nixon asked about you." hearing his name made her smile wider.

"he did?" eryn laughed softly and sat at her desk chair, he knew how particular she was about her room so he just opted to sit at the desk to not upset her more.

"yeah, he asked for your number but i didn't want to give it to him.. but i did give him your instagram." she reached for her phone and saw he had already dmed her.


hey, just wanted to check on you... you kinda disappeared.

oh, i just wasn't feeling to good so i went home.

well, if you're feeling any better tyler's throwing a party tonight, you can bring eryn too if you want.

oh i don't party, not my scene (:

oh cmon, it'll be fun!

yeah, maybe next time.. thanks for checking on me

your loss.. and of course, hope you're okay
"mackenzie." eryn said while waving his hand in front of her face.

"hmm." she turned off her phone and looked up to him.

"so you do like him." eryn smiled widely. she shrugged and laid back into her pillows.

"i dunno.. and i think he might have a girlfriend." she sighed, pulling the blankets up to her chin.

"really?" he said with surprise, pulling the outfit he brought from home and rested it on his lap.

"i don't know.. but the glare nicole was giving me tells me they have something going on." eryn hummed.

"well, i don't think they are together... and i thought nicole and adam were together." she scoffed softly at this.

"that's even worse, she asked him to go have fun with her." eryn laughed.

"that girl is something else.. it's okay if i shower right?" mackenzie nodded and let her eyes flutter back closed. eventually the light noise of the water hitting the tub made her drift back off to sleep. she felt when eryn slipped under the blankets but didn't open her eyes, just made room for him.

this was something they always did, naps together. it could be seen as something a couple would do but really they were just best friends that were more comforted with each other, enough to sleep for hours.
later mackenzie was woken up to someone laying atop her, hearing madeline giggle softly. she smiled and held her sister tightly in her arms.

"mommy said you should have something to eat." madeline said quietly, not wanting to wake eryn who laid besides them.

"is it dinner time?" mackenzie asked with shock, glancing to the clock to see it was in fact 7:30 pm.

"mhm, they waitin for you to have dinner." madeline climbed down from the bed and ran out of the room. mackenzie stretched and gently shook eryn awake.

"dinners ready, you don't have to come down if you don't want to... but i'll be back." he nodded and turned over, tucking his arm under the pillow and drifted back off. she climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs to join her family at the table.

"are you feeling okay?" her mom almost immediately asked, noticing her red cheeks and how long she'd been sleeping.

"yeah just a, weird day.. i guess." she smiled and thanked her dad for the plate he handed her.

"is eryn coming down for dinner?" mackenzie looked up at her dad and shook her head.

"no, he went back to sleep." she leaned down to take a bite of food.

"you guys had a rough day huh?" her mom said before they fell into somewhat silence, a few comments or questions being asked around the table. soon enough eryn did come down, but they were almost done with dinner.

"are you hungry? i could make you a plate." her dad offered, but eryn just smiled and shook his head.

"i got it, thank you though." he smiled and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a water from the fridge. he made himself a plate of food and sat besides mackenzie. soon mackenzie's family left to get ready for bed and she just sat with eryn while he ate.

"so, anything new with buffet boy?" he chuckled softly and leaned down to eat a bite of food.

"his name is mason... and not really, but i think he is gay." mackenzie smiled.

"yeah?" he nodded.

"well, i noticed he had a pride flag pin on his uniform so.. i think so." the passed few days they were really just trying to determine if he was gay in any way. eventually they made their way back to mackenzie's room and she took a shower, getting on some pajamas before starting the work eryn brought her. he sat on her bed and scrolled through tiktok.

"looks like nixon is having a party." eryn said while walking to sit besides mackenzie.

"yeah, he invited us but.. i'm not sure if i want to see him right now." eryn laughed softly.

"why's that?" she shrugged and sat down her pencil with a sigh.

"i don't know, i get so nervous around him that i can't think... it's weird and i don't understand why i feel like this around him now." eryn rested his head on her thigh.

"you like him, you're gonna feel like that around him." mackenzie blushed and stayed quiet.

"but, i barely know him..." she trailed off, resting her head in her hands.

"you don't have to know someone to like them... you don't know pedro pascal." she laughed softly

"yeah but, that's different." he sat up from her leg and shrugged softly.

"not really." he smiled and walked to sit back on the edge of her bed.

her first everything Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz