chapter sixteen

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the next morning mackenzie woke up a little grouchy. opting to keep on his hoodie, which she wore to sleep, and swapped her shorts for some sweatpants. she left her hair in the messy bun it was already in and started helping her sister get ready for school.

when she arrived she was greeted by her two favorite men, eryn and nixon. she never really thought about having a boyfriend and boy best friend but she was growing to love it.

"good morning beautiful." nixon smiled, wrapping his arm over her shoulder and started to walk after eryn.

"mornin." she grumbled, laying her head on his chest while walking.

"someone didn't get enough sleep." eryn smiled back at mackenzie.

"i got enough sleep, i'd just rather be in bed right now." nixon smiled and walked her to her seat, kissing her forehead before walking back to where he normally sat.

"wow. he's actually sweetheart." eryn smiled, looking over at mackenzie. he smirked as she just looked at him confused, arms crossed at her chest.

"got a new hoodie huh." she laughed and uncrossed her arms, reaching to get her notebook and laptop out of her bag.
later eryn went to get lunch with mason, which left mackenzie to sit with nixon. she wasn't too sure how she liked his friends, but she did know that the girls were very unwelcoming. tyler and a few of his other guy friends seemed to like her though.

"here." tyler handed her a bag of chips. she usually didn't eat lunch when she sat with them, solely because she didn't like campus food.

"i don't eat those." she laughed softly, pushing the bag of chips back.

"you don't eat chips?" tyler asked.

"no, i don't eat those kind." she smiled warmly, sliding her hand into nixons under the table. she felt unable to express herself around the girls, they were always so harsh about simple things. but there was nothing she could do about it sense she was the new one in the bunch.

nixon on the other hand didn't care about how the girls felt. he knew that some of them had a thing for him at one point but now they have their own boyfriend, so there was no point in trying to hide anything. plus he didn't want to hide his relationship with mackenzie.

"are you okay, should we go get something to eat?" he asked while rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand.

"oh no, i'm okay." he smiled and pressed their lips together, falling back into the conversation around the table.

"hey." tyler muttered, getting mackenzie's attention.

"what." she whispered back at the same volume he did.

"i'm throwing a party this weekend.. and before you tell me you don't like party's i promise to not invite anyone like last time. they are no fun anyways." she laughed softly before leaning back into nixons hold, smiling up at him.

"are you going?" she asked, but the brunettes face looked upset.

"i told you i wasn't going to drag her to another party." she smiled and placed her hand on his thigh.

"it's okay, i want to go."

"are you sure? we could just hangout at my house.. invite the people you know." she glanced to tyler.

"that does sound like more fun." he shrugged.

"i wanted to ask you first before inviting people, i know they aren't the nicest to you." she smiled warmly.

"my parents will be out of town for my sisters dance competition, so i could ask if you guys could stay the night." she smiled and hugged onto nixons arm. she felt safe with these two. she felt like their only priority was to make sure she felt safe.
nixon and mackenzie ended up getting dinner before he took her home. he always liked to get her something to eat in case her parents didn't cook.

"nixon." she said, breaking the daze he fell into.

"yeah." he smiled at her.

"i don't know how to do any of this." she admitted. his smile was soft, welcoming and sympathetic.

"that's okay, i think you're doing great... even if you don't know what you're doing." he reached for her hand and held it in his

"but i don't want to feel like you have to teach me everything.. i feel like a child compared to you." nixon pulled her hand closer to his body, leaning down to kiss the back of her hand.

"i like you, no matter how little you know about all of this.. i like being with you, i don't care about what you do and don't know." he lifted from his seat and leaned across the table, pecking her lips.

"you're amazing mackenzie ray, so fucking amazing." she blushed and pushed him back to his seat with a soft laugh.

"i'm being serious." he laughed while crossing his arms. eventually the food arrived and they fell quiet while eating. he payed and drove her home as it was getting pretty late. he walked her up to the front porch and smooched her cheeks.

"don't beat yourself up pretty lady." she smiled and hugged onto him.

"i'll try not to." mackenzie smiled softly, feeling his lips against her forehead for another soft kiss. he ruffled her hair and smiled.

"goodnight princess, call me before you go to sleep." she nodded and pushed the door open.

"good night." she watched him walk back to his car before closing the door. she noticed the living room and kitchen was empty so she went up to her room to shower before bed.

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