chapter twenty five

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when they arrived home mackenzie went up to her room while nixon gave madeline and naomi their ice cream. when he did get up to her room she was already in the shower.

he decided to not bother her. this was something big that he felt like she should take her own time to process what happened. he went back to madeline's room and sat with them, watching how they played together.

"where's mackenzie." madeline asked while sitting besides nixon.

"she's taking a shower." he said with a soft smile, taking the play-doh his sister was handing him. after about thirty minutes mackenzie sat on the floor beside nixon.

"how are you feeling?" he asked, resting his hand on her back.

"good." she smiled, laying against his shoulder.

the rest of their weekend was pretty calm, just cuddling with movies and snacks. when they returned to school mackenzie quickly found eryn and walked with him to class.

"next weekend you're coming to my house." he said while walking to their seats.

"okay." she agreed, sitting down besides him.

"we've got a lot to catch up on." he said before pulling out his notebook.
on friday eryn drove mackenie home and got her some clothes for the weekend.

"i want chipotle." he said while walking out of the house behind her.

"that sounds good." mackenzie agreed. they got their food and ate it in the car like they always used to. really it felt nice to be with each other again. they only really saw each other when out in a group.

"so, you and mason?" mackenzie asked while dipping a chip into the queso.

"we started dating last weekend, we were gonna get lunch on sunday but he thought it was better for me to be with you for awhile." she smiled at her red haired friend who's cheeks were flushed bright red.

"you two are so cute." she said, which made eryn smile.

"you and nixon?" now she was red, remembering what they did last weekend.

"we had sex." she said, pausing before looking up at eryn.

"really?" he asked shocked. she nodded before speaking.

"but i feel like it was maybe too fast, it was great.. but i think i needed something different from what we did." eryns eye brows furrowed.

"what'd you two do?" he asked curiously.

"we did it after dinner, in the car because our sisters and my parents were home." eryn sucked in a breath.

"yeah, that's not the best way to lose it." he took a sip from his drink.

"did you tell him that?" mackenzie shook her head.

"i don't want him to blame himself. he's really great at explaining things and making sure i understand what he's doing, i couldn't ask for anything better." eryn wrapped the half of his burrito he couldn't finish and sat it back in his bag.

"but you should always be honest with him about stuff like this... i know you guys have great communication and will figure it all out." she nodded while processing this. he had a point, hiding this from him could cause a shift in their relationship, a weird tense barrier that would be caused by her.

but on the other hand maybe she'd upset him. maybe he'd think it was his fault and still there would be a tense barrier in their relationship. it was a pretty hard decision, but she decided to make this decision later and for now just have a good time with her best friend.

"you know, christmas is coming up." mackenzie said as they walked through target.

"yeah, in like, a month." eryn replied, leaning against the cart.

"yeah, besides the point.. i think we should make gifts for our boyfriends.. or, or we could get the group together and everyone gets a gift or two for everyone, like a second christmas." eryn smiled.

"that could be fun." he said while following her.

"i think we should talk to the group about it, maybe we could get a hotel room for new years and share our gifts, and just have a good time." mackenzie smiled

"we have great fucking ideas." eryn smiled.

"yes we do." mackenzie said back.
at the beginning of december mackenzie got the group together to talk about christmas.

"so, me and eryn were thinking... we could have our own christmas party, of sorts." kayden was first to speak.

"like our own tree, and stuff like that?" eryn nodded.

"maybe a small tree... but we could do matching pajamas, and get each other presents." tyler smiled.

"my parents are gonna be out of town.. so we could do it at my house." masons face fell into a questioning look but he didn't say anything.

"yeah, my parents aren't gonna be home on christmas.. they are wonderful... besides the point." nixon laid his head against mackenzie shoulder.

"maybe we do it the 26th, my parents aren't gonna let me leave christmas day." mackenzie nodded in agreement.

"madeline won't let me leave christmas day, she gonna have to show me all of her cool new things." she felt awkward around nixon, just like she knew she would.. but now it had been a month and she hadn't said anything so she felt it was too late to say something.

but nixon noticed how odd mackenzie was around him now. she seemed nervous like how she did when they first met.

"hey, can i talk to you." he said as the group broke off into their own conversations. she smiled up at him and followed him to his room.

"are you okay, you seem.. off, or nervous about something." her eyes widened softly before looking down.

"oh, i'm okay." he sighed and tucked his hand under her chin.

"is this about when w-"

"no." she cut him off.

"i need you to be honest with me baby... i don't know how to fix it if you don't tell me." his hand laced with hers.

"i just feel like, maybe it was too fast.. or something... i don't want you to think it's your fault, you're great ate the greatest, i just feel like i needed... more?" he leaned down to hug her.

"oh sweetheart... i'm sorry i made you feel like you couldn't tell me that... next time, whenever you're ready.. everything will be at your pace, and i'll make sure to go a little slower." she smiled into his shoulder.

"thank you, i'm sorry for not telling you." she said while wrapping her legs around his hips.

"are we okay?" he asked.

"yeah." she confirmed. he carried her back downstairs and sat with the group.

"you guys are cringe." kayden scoffed, handing nixon his phone so they could order what they wanted from the restaurant the group decided on.

"is it just because you're single and jealous?" mackenzie asked which made kayden scoffed.

"no." he grumbled.

"maybe you and tyler should just date, you've both been single for far too long." eryn said with a chuckle

"absolutely not, how'd i get pulled into this." tyler said with crossed arms. they continued to banter like this until mackenzie intervened.

"you guys are ridiculously childish." she laughed, standing from nixons lap to get the tv remote.

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