chapter seventeen

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the next day for lunch eryn and mackenzie went out to lunch. they hadn't been alone with each other in quite awhile so they figured why not go back to the old days and skip out on school lunch.

while eating they planned out what everyone would be bringing to nixons house on saturday and what all they'd be doing. nixon had a few board games and netflix as well as hulu and a few other streaming platforms so they'd be pretty entertained.

mason and eryn would bring food, whatever they decided to eat which would most likely be pizza. nixon and mackenzie would be in charge of getting blankets and pillows for the fort and for when they fell asleep. this left tyler to get snacks and drinks, which he was well okay with.

when the day rolled around mackenzie and nixon walked around target to find some cozy things for their sleepover. mackenzie was walking a little ahead of the basket, guiding him where she wanted to go.

"you know what would be fun." she said while glancing back towards him. he smiled at her.


"matching pajamas." he smirked and leaned against the basket.

"we're at the matching stage?" she shrugged.

"i guess so." mackenzie led them over to the men's pajamas, she preferred them over women's for whatever reason.

"should we do halloween? or maybe christmas." she said while looking through the pants.

"i think we should do halloween.. and when christmas rolls around we could get matching christmas pajamas." she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

"you're the sweetest." she said while poking her lips out for a kiss. they got the rest of the things they needed and headed back to his house to wash their pajamas and blankets for the sleepover.
when everyone arrived tyler introduced him to his friend, who they now knew was kayden. tyler and kayden brought a case of sodas, a few different juices and two boxes of beer.. just because they could. as well as chips, an assortment of dips, and a few boxes of candy. mason and eryn brought pizza, wings and some breadsticks. and of course nixon supplied the house and entertainment.

"you two are at the matching stage.. how cute." mason smiled while referring to their pajamas. mackenzie smiled and went to put the juices in the fridge.

at first everyone was just scrolling on their phones and showing each other memes and tiktoks until kayden grew bored.

"alright.. you know what-" he grabbed a box that held remotes and sat the remotes on the couch.

"phones, put 'em in." mackenzie smiled at this idea and sat her phone in the box, which encouraged the others to do the same.

"alright, truth or dare anyone?" kayden asked while sitting back in his spot, resting his blanket over his shoulders.

"truth or dare tends to... ruin friendships." nixon said with a soft chuckle.

"nothing messy, we all respect each other here." nixon rubbed mackenzie's shoulder.

"why don't we just, play a board game or something." mason suggested, standing to get a game from the counter.

"anything is better than being on our phones all night." mackenzie laid her head in nixons lap, watching the group set up a board game. she never even heard of this game so she decided to sit the first round out until she got the hang of the rules and what not. after a while of playing nixon looked down at her and smiled, kissing her forehead.

"are you alright?" he asked and moved her hair from her face.

"yeah, just a little sleepy." she said while taking his free hand into hers. he rubbed his thumb against her hand while falling back into the game.

"so.." kayden started, looking up from the board to look at nixon and mackenzie.

"you two a thing or just.. besties." nixon looked down to mackenzie, who smiled and gave a soft nod.

"yeah." nixon smiled, running his free hand through her hair.

"she's my girlfriend." masons eyes widened.

"wait really?" mackenzie laughed.

"were we discreet?" eryn and tyler both scoffed.

"no, you guys were not discreet in the slightest, mason just doesn't pay too much attention to the tension between you two." the group laughed and eventually went back to the game they were playing. as the night went on the group grew sleepy and set up their pillow fort on the floor in the living room. tyler and nixon moved the couch whilst eryn and mackenzie laid out the comforters, mason and kayden getting snacks from the kitchen.

"cmere." nixon cooed, scooping her up and laying down where she laid down their palette. eryn started the movie while laying against masons chest. they all got comfortable while watching the movie, snacking on food or snacks they got before laying down.

"are you hungry? you didn't eat earlier." nixon said quietly, only loud enough for them to hear.

"i'm okay, i had snacks.. i don't really like that pizza." he hummed and pushed the hair from her eyes.

"are you sure you don't want anything?" she nodded.

"yeah, i'm sure." mackenzie cuddled into his body before pressing a kiss to his chest.

"you're so sweet to her." tyler said from the couch above them, making the two of them look up. she laughed and nixons cheeks went red, shooing him with his hand.

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