chapter twenty two

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he took her home as quietly as possible, which was pretty hard due to her drunken slurring. he laid her on her bed before going downstairs to get her some water.

"hey nixon." her dad greeted. really he was the last person nixon wanted to see. he'd bought his daughter home drunk.

"hi mr brewer." he smiled, letting the cup fill up with cold water.

"is mackenzie asleep?" he asked, opening the fridge.

"no sir, she's just resting." her dad hummed in acknowledgment.

"how was naomi today? did she give you guys a hard time?" mr brewer grabbed an apple.

"no, she's a great kid... no problems from her, her and maddy should be asleep by now." nixon smiled.

"i'm glad she didn't give you guys a hard time."

"would you tell mackenzie goodnight for me?" he asked while waiting for nixon to nod before walking out of the kitchen with a beer and his apple. he let out a sigh of relief and walked up the stairs a few minutes later.

"hey." he cooed, sitting mackenzie up.

"drink some water." he said while holding the cup to her lips.

" 'm fine i just wanna nice hot bath." she pulled out of his grasp and stood from the bed.

"let me help you." he said, walking after her and sat her on the counter.

"stay here." he said sternly, sitting the cup of water besides her. she laid her head back against the mirror while waiting for him to return. when he did he had a pair of pajamas folded in his hand along with a towel.

"cmere." he cooed, pulling her down from the counter and helped her take off her costume then helped her into the bathtub that was filling up with water and bubbles.

"i'm gonna sit right here okay?" he said while sitting on the floor besides the bathtub. she just nodded and slid down into the water while her eyes closed. he played a playlist he knew they both enjoyed before laying his head on the side of the bathtub too. he watched her carefully, making sure she wasn't falling asleep or uncomfortable.

"can i have water." she muttered, keeping her eyes closed.

"of course." he said while grabbing the cup of water and held it to her lips. this time she did drink the water, all of it this time.

"are you alright?" he asked before sitting the cup on the sink.

"think so." she mumbled, laying back against the wall. they sat here for awhile before she grew sleepy. he helped her out of the bathtub and dried her off before smoothing lotion on her skin.

"i don't feel good." she muttered, allowing him to pull her shirt over her head. he cupped her face and gently tilted her head up.

"what's wrong love?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"my stomach." she whined, letting go of him and instead kneeled in front of the toilet. he was quick to pull her hair out of her face, kneeling down beside her.

"yup, i knew it was coming." he muttered and rubbed her back softly. she sat on the floor and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"you do this for fun?" she asked while looking up at him.

"sorta.. i think you drunk too much too fast, your body isn't used to alcohol." he wet her washcloth and gently wiped her mouth and hand.

"i'm gonna get you some more water, you stay here." he kissed her forehead and walked back downstairs. this time he didn't run into any of her family and got back upstairs quickly.

"alright, feel any better?" he asked reaching for her hands.

"yeah, a little better." she cooed, holding her hands up so he'd carry her. and he did just that, picking her up and carrying her to her bed.

"drink some more water." he said while looking for the remote. he handed it to her before looking for his back pack.

"you think i could go take a shower real quick, i don't want to get in bed with dirty clothes on." she nodded and cuddled into the blankets.

"just one thing." she said, holding up her finger.

"what's up?" he cooed.

"will you get me the blue teddy bear?" she pointed to her pile of teddy bears. he smiled and handed it to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"i'll be right back." he said before walking into the bathroom.
when he finished he put on his pajamas and walked out of the bathroom. he smiled while looking over mackenzie, who was cuddled into her teddy bear and fixed on the tv.

"you okay?" he asked, pulling her hair out of her face.

"yeah." she muttered, looking up at him.

"i'm gonna go check on the girls okay?" she nodded and cuddled back into her teddy bear. he walked down the hall and slowly opened madeline's door, peaking his head in. the two were both asleep, frozen still playing on the tv. he kneeled down next to his sister and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"goodnight, i love you." he whispered before walking out of the room and slowly closed the door. he walked back to mackenzie's room and sat on the bed besides her.

"are you hungry?" he asked and softly rubbed her back.

"no." she muttered and laid her head against his chest. he cuddled into her while laying down with her. they stayed cuddled together until he noticed she had fallen asleep, her teddy bear cuddled close to her chest.

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