chapter twenty three

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when mackenzie woke up the next day her head was pounding. nixon was still asleep but he woke up when she whined softly.

"hey, you okay?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"my head is fucking pounding." she groaned, covering her eyes with her hand.

"i'll get you some ibuprofen." he said while climbing out of bed. he walked downstairs and smiled at the sight of his little sister.

"good morning." he said to mackenzie's parents and the girls.

"nixon!" naomi said while standing up from her chair and ran to hug him.

"hi naomi, did you have fun yesterday?" he asked, to which she nodded.

"did you say thank you for breakfast?" he asked while walking her back to her seat.

"she did.. she has great manners." mrs brewer said while sitting a plate on the table for him.

"oh i just needed to get some ibuprofen for mackenzie." her smile faded a bit.

"is she okay? not feeling well?" he nodded.

"she just mentioned a headache." mr brewer handed him a bottle of water and a bottle of tylenol.

"we'll be down in a few." he said before walking back towards the stairs.

"your parents are making breakfast, i think it'll be good to get some food in your system." he opened the pill bottle and handed two to her.

"did you tell them?" she asked with a concerned look.

"no, i just said you had a headache." he crawled over her and laid on her chest.

"how are you feeling?" he asked softly while running his fingers through her hair.

"like shit.. feels like my eyes are gonna pop out of my head." he chuckled.

"i know, do you want me to go get your breakfast?" she shook her head.

"my moms gonna lose her mind if she doesn't see me." nixon sat up from her chest and smiled down on her, his hand cupping her face before pushing their lips together.

"you look so beautiful, every single day." he said before getting up from her bed. she blushed, looking in the mirror to see if she looked even a little bit presentable.

"wow." she laughed, smoothing her hair back into a bun. he waited for her to be ready before walking downstairs.

"good morning." she greeted, sitting in her usual spot next to madeline.

"you didn't say goodnight to me last night." maddy said while looking at mackenzie.

"i know, im sorry." she said warmly, accepting the plate that was slid to her. nixon sat next to her after pouring them some apple juice.

"did you guys have fun yesterday?" mackenzie asked the girls before taking a bite from her waffle.

"yeah, we watched lots of movies with popcorn and candy! can we have another sleepover mommy?" madeline asked their mom. mrs brewer looked over to nixon and shrugged.

"would your mom be okay with that?" she asked.

"i could ask, we'd have to go home for more clothes though." naomi gasped.

"can i bring my teddies to show maddy?" nixon shrugged again.

"if mom lets us stay, sure."
later in the day nixon and naomi went home to get a few things. mackenzie was laid in bed with the curtains closed, her head still hurt.

"kenzie?" she heard her moms voice as her door was pushed open.

"mhm." she hummed, glancing over to her mom.

"i got you some gatorade and toast... it'll help with the hangover." mackenzie sat up to look at her mom.

"i've been hung over many times, i know you are too." she sighed and took the gatorade.

"i'm sorry." she muttered and took a drink from it.

"there's nothing to apologize for, as long as it was your choice, not because of nixon." mackenzie reached for the toast as her mom sat on the edge of her bed.

"it wasn't because of him, he told me to slow down but i guess i just didn't notice how strong the punch was."

"nixon was really helpful." she said while looking up to her mom.

"i can tell, he seems like a sweet boy." mackenzie blushed.

"can i tell you something." she asked, laying against her moms shoulder.

"of course." her mom cooed, smoothing the brown hair out of mackenzie's face.

"he's my boyfriend, and i know it's a little sudden but i really like him." her mom just shrugged.

"it's your life baby, as long as you're happy i'm happy." after a few minutes the door to her bedroom was pushed open.

"sorry, your dad said you were in your room." nixon said, sitting his bag on the floor.

"it's okay, i'll leave you two alone." her mom stood up from the bed and closed the door behind her when she walked out.

"i wasn't as discreet as i thought i was." she giggled, climbing into nixons lap.

"that's seems to be a reoccurring problem with us huh?" nixon laughed. mackenzie let her thumbs run over the stubble that had grown around his chin.

"i think you are really good for me." he cooed while resting his hands on her hips.

"you are good for me." he corrected himself, wrapping his arms around her body. she smiled and kissed his lips, her hands holding his face. after a couple of seconds neither of them pulled away, only pushed harder against the others lips harder.

"please." she whimpered, holding his face in her hands while panting.

"we can't princess." he said. rubbing her hips softly.

"but i want to, i want you." his eyes fluttered closed hearing this.

"i know baby, i want you.. so badly, but you're family is here." she whined before crawling off of his lap, walking to her dresser.

"i'm sorry." he said while watching her carefully.

"it's okay nixon, it's probably better we don't do anything with everyone home." he stood up and walked up behind her.

"maybe we could go get some dinner later." he whispered into her ear, his hands running up her body.

"yeah." she whispered back, laying her head against his chest. he pressed a soft kiss to her neck before going back to her bed.

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