chapter nine

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after school mackenzie picked madeline up from school and immediately went to target. they walked around for a while before remembering the actual reason they were there.

"they don't have that big of a selection." mackenzie muttered to her self, kneeling down besides madeline.

"they have a bunny." maddy smiled while reaching for the box with the bunny light.

"you know that one is just like the one you had, it's not gonna go on the ceiling." she shrugged and placed the box in the cart, climbing back up on the side of the basket.

"should we go look at some teddy bears?" mackenzie smiled down at her sister. they both had an obsession with stuffed animals. mackenzie's collection has been pretty tame since she got into college but it was time to get a new teddy for her stuffed friends.

"see anything you want?" mackenzie asked, moving the stuff from the bottom of the teddy bear bin.

"dis one." she said excitedly, pulling a rainbow octopus from the box. the teddy bear was almost as big as her, her arms unable to wrap around the entire thing.

"that's thirty dollars." mackenzie laughed softly, resting her hand over her head.

"pleaseeee." the girl begged, pouting her lips.

"how about you call daddy and ask him." their dad would buy them practically anything they wanted. so that's what they did, and lucky for mackenzie he sent her the money for it. they continued to walk around to find some snacks and other things for their movie day saturday.

"where are you gonna put this thing." mackenzie asked as they walked back to the car. madeline shrugged with a happy smile, sitting it on the seat besides her before climbing in her car seat.
friday was the day of the party. mackenzie made sure she got her sister some dinner and all cleaned up for her parents before saying goodbye to everyone and walked out to her car. she drove to pick up eryn then put the address into the gps.

when they arrived the large house was packed, the driveway and street full of cars. there was no doubt more than just the campus students attended this party with how obvious it was. the door was open and inside was flashing colorful lights, loud music vibrating the walls. mackenzie just looked around at all of the people that already looked sloppy drunk. soft hands on her shoulders made her jump, spinning around to see nixon smiling warmly.

"you came!" he said excitedly, hugging the girl. she was pretty awkward with physical touch, unless it was eryn.. but he wasn't to fond of physical touch either. nixon noticed her stiffness and pulled away.

"no hugs?" he asked, to which she shook her head with a small smile.

"that's alright, i'm just glad you decided to come." he rested his arm over her shoulder and lead her to the kitchen. eryn went off to do his own thing, though he still kept an eye on her. they both noticed when mason walked in, giving each other a look.

"hey, want a drink.. well, something to drink?" he asked while looking at the sodas. she reached for a sprite and looked up at him with a smile.

"that's alright, how was your day?" nixon asked while getting himself a beer.

"it was good, got my sister a new nightlight and teddy bear." he smiled and took a drink from it, watching a curious look fall over his face.

"what?" he asked. mackenzie pulled the bottle of beer close to heeself and peaked into it.

"want to try it?" she shook her head before pushing it back to him.

"it smells weird." she said while cracking the seal of her soda. she walked off and he followed right behind, keeping a soft grasp on her shirt. he felt the need to protect her. he was the one that got her here and he would hate if something happened to her.

"where are you going?" he chuckled softly, following her around what seemed to be the whole house.

"just exploring." mackenzie said with a smile, peaking over her shoulder to look at him.

"the place is huge." she hummed, taking another drink from her soda while finding a quiet room.

"you came here to get a sprite and... sit in a quiet room?" he asked while sitting down in front her. she giggled softly and shrugged.

"it's too packed in there.. i feel, claustrophobic." he hummed and took a drink from the beer.

"i didn't even know this many people lived here." she said, pulling her knees to her chest. they both looked up to see tyler and nicole walked in. nicole sat next to nixon and tyler sat by mackenzie. it was pretty awkward but it eased up when mason and eryn walked in. the two were both pretty talkative and made most of the others talk. the group sat in a some what circle, a few inches of space between each person.

"you're at a party and you got a sprite?" nicole scoffed, hooking her arm around nixon. nixon looked at her and pulled away, scooting closer to mason. eryn smiled, did her really like mackenzie is all he could think about. he was excited to see the two interacting, being friends and maybe even dating eventually.

"she doesn't drink, she doesn't have to." nixon said sternly.

"oh come on nix she's such a priss." he looked at mackenzie to see she was fixed on her lap.

"would you stop.. just because someone doesn't want to be drunk off their ass every night doesn't mean they're a priss." tyler started. he was also excited that his friend actually liked someone.

"oh you two like this little princess?" she scoffed, smiling when mackenzie's stood up with a huff. eryn and nixon got up after this in unison, walking after her. they caught up to her at her car, nixon kneeling down besides her and eryn climbed into the passenger seat.

"you alright?" he asked. she nodded with a small smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"it's just more of a reason i don't like party's." she swung her feet into the car.

"it was fun, while it lasted... thanks for inviting us." she reached for the car door but he stopped her.

"call me later okay?" she nodded. he softly kissed her cheek and stepped away from her door, waving to eryn in the passenger.

"so, what was that?" eryn asked with a small smile.

"oh, we uhh.. kissed in the library the other day." eryn laughed.

"you had your first kiss and you didn't tell me?!" she smiled.

"it was a little awkward i think." she giggled, adjusting her hands on the steering wheel. the rest of the drive was eryn asking a bunch of questions about what all happened. she stopped at eryns house and got some clothes for him to stay at her house. he could feel she was still upset about the party and didn't want to leave her alone.

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