chapter twenty one

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november first archi had a party planned, a halloween party. he mainly had it on november first for mackenzie and nixon because he knew they were taking their siblings trick or treating.

"do people actually dress up for these parties?" mackenzie asked as they walked through the costume store.

"uhh some do... others just go for the booze." she smiled as she came across a woody costume.

"baby look, i could be jessie." nixon smiled.

"oh we'd be so cute." he pulled the costume down from rack and walked off looking for the jessie costume.
when they arrived at tyler's house they found him and eryn in the kitchen. eryn was in a pennywise costume and tyler was victor van dort.

"where's georgie?" mackenzie joked, hugging eryn.

"he's actually on his way." eryn smiled while reaching for a dr pepper and handed it to mackenzie.

"hope you don't mind me taking your date for a few, i need to catch up with her." the redhead said to nixon while pulling mackenzie to a somewhat empty room.

"so what's new with lover boy?" he asked while sitting on the couch. the blush that involuntarily fell of her cheeks made his jaw fall open.

"you lost it?" he asked, watching her eyebrows grow confused.

"lost what?" he chuckled.

"your virginity." mackenzie laughed at this.

"oh! no, not yet... but i feel like, it's coming." they looked up when mason and nixon walked through the door.

"hiding in a quiet room again?" mason said while looking down at mackenzie, and then nixon.

"aww you two are cute." he said before sitting on the floor between eryns legs. nixon picked mackenzie up and sat her on his thigh, sitting where she sat next to eryn. the redhead gazed at mackenzie with somewhat wide eyes.

"what?" she giggled.

"he can just pick you up like that? no struggle?" the two giggled at his silly comment. soon tyler walked into the room and they were back to their little group like they had last time, this time it was just them, nobody to ruin their fun.

"bought you a beer." tyler said while handing it to nixon, watching the way mackenzie looked at the bottle.

"want to try it?" tyler asked, tilting his bottle to her. she took the bottle and debated for a few seconds before tilting it up.

"what the fuck." she grumbled, wiping her lips while handing it back.

"well that's beer for you, it's never any good." eryn said while handing her his red solo cup.

"try that." she looked into the cup to see it just looked like punch. when she tasted it though and it tasted different than normal punch.

"it's spiked punch." eryn said to solve the confused look on her face.

"could you get me more." she asked nixon, who nodded before kissing her cheek.

"i'll be back." he sat her back on the couch before walking out of the room. when he came back he sat on the floor between her legs, handing her the cup.

"it's only a little bit because it's your first time drinking, it'll hit you faster than you think." tyler hummed.

"yeah, drink it slow." he added.

"theres beer pong outside, and a few cornhole." mackenzie smiled while standing from the couch, stepping over nixon and reached out for his hand.

"cornhole, cmon.. i bet i'll beat you." he scoffed.

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