chapter eleven

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the next week nixon, tyler, mackenzie and eryn hung out every day at lunch. they'd go get food or hang out in the library but really they all just wanted to get to know each other.

friday night they all decided to get dinner again. mackenzie and nixon decided to have a play date for the girls on saturday. eryn was going to sit besides mackenzie but before he could nixon slid into the booth besides her. tyler let eryn sit on the inside so he was at least sat in front of mackenzie, noticing he wanted to sit by her. it was funny in a way, thinking of two guys fighting over sitting next to her.

they all ordered what they wanted and just laughed and talked while simply bonding. they'd grown pretty comfortable with each other over the passed week or two, tyler still joked them about being nerds every once in a while.

"you two would be pretty cute." tyler smiled, nudging eryn. the brunette smiled and nodded.

"yeah, you two should just date already." eryn smirked, watching their cheeks get brighter.

"shut up." she grumbled, covering her face with her hands. nixon smiled softly and looked over at her, looking over her face to see she blushed darker when their eyes met.
the next weekend mackenzie and nixon had plans to hang out at her house. she was excited to have nixon all to herself, as selfish as that sounds. she was excited for nixon to only be focused on her, and vise versa.

"hi." she smiled while opening the door, feeling his arms around her seconds after.

"you don't know how much i've missed you." he muttered into her shoulder, squeezing her tighter. she smiled and wrapped her legs around his hips, he kissed her cheek a few times before walking into the house. he shut the door and let her down to the floor, pressing their lips together.

eventually they made it back to her room and she jumped into her bed, patting besides her. he smiled and sat his back pack down, kicking his shoes off and climbed into bed besides her.

"i was thinking we could watch some disney movies, i remember you said you watch them with your sister." he smiled and pulled mackenzie closer to himself.

"yea, that sounds good." she smiled and handed him the remote.

"how about you pick the movie and i'll get us some snacks." he nodded and she climbed out of bed. as mackenzie disappeared out of the room madeline walked in, climbing up on the bed.

"hey, your not eryn." madeline said while crossing her arms.

"yeah, sorry." he chuckled, pulling himself to sit up.

"what's your name?" she asked, swinging her feet softly.

"nixon, what's your name little princess?" he asked, referring to the anna dress she wore.

"madeline." she smiled and crawled to lay on the pillows.

"should we watch frozen?" he asked, watching her smile grow wider.

"yeah." she giggled. pulling the blankets up to her chin. soon enough mackenzie walked back in the room and flashed a smile at her sister.

"so you've met maddy?" mackenzie smiled while sitting between the two.

"yup, and she's requested to watch frozen." the brunette smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek. the three got comfortable and watched movies for hours before it was time for dinner.

"my dad might be a little tough on you.. he means no harm i promise." she said while climbing out of bed, holding his hand while walking down the hallway.

"you're just the first guy i've had around other than eryn so, he's just trying to protect me." he smiled and kissed the back of her head.

"i understand." he smiled, ruffling her hair before following her down the stairs.

"there they are." her mom smiled, sitting down a bowl of salad.

"hi mrs brewer." he smiled, sitting down besides mackenzie.

"oh please, mary is fine." he nodded in an understanding way and rested his hands under his legs to keep from fidgeting.

"so, you're mr dawson?" her dad said while sitting down in front of him, passing a plate to him and mackenzie then sat one in front of madeline.

"yes sir, nice to meet you." he reached across the table to shake her dads hand. the firm grip of the man suprised him causing his eyebrows to raise.

"nice to meet you too." soon they all fell into casual conversation while eating. his hand rested over on her thigh, smiling when she paused for a second before trying to continue her sentence.

"well, it was nice meeting you." her mom said while collecting up everyone's dishes.

"are you staying the night?" her dad asked nixon.

"i wanted to, if that's okay with you." he shrugged while standing from his seat, picking up madeline.

"yeah, that's fine.. no touching." he smiled and let his hand fall from her thigh.

"yes sir." mackezie stood and so did he, following her back up to her room.

"should i sleep on the floor?" mackenzie laughed softly, patting the bed besides him.

"he just means nothing sexual, get over here." he smiled and fell into her chest, wrapping his arms around her while laying her down. he kissed her chest then laid against her, snuggling into her. they decided on a show she was watching, he was watching it as well he was just a few episodes ahead.

"hey." he said quietly, unsure if she was awake.

"mhm?" she hummed back, looking down at him.

"tonight's your first sleepover with a guy, well sorta." she laughed and moved the hair from his face.

"i know what you're saying." she smiled, tucking her fingers under his chin and pulled him to her. he smiled and let his hands run around her hips, pulling away then pecked her lips again.

"you're beautiful, mackenzie." he cooed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"thank you nixon." she smiled back at him. he laid back on her chest and softly rubbed his hands against her hips. eventually she fell asleep under his soft hands. he smiled and kissed her face before laying down on her stomach, falling asleep not long after.

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