Six: You Don't Know Me!

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I couldn't take my eyes off her.
Habiba Haruna.
The only woman I've ever really loved. I knew I wanted her to be my wife the moment I laid my eyes on her.

She's a chef, a great one at that.
We met at her work place and she made the tastiest food I've had till date.

What I loved the most was how much she got along with my siblings, especially my sisters.
And now, she has charmed my mother too, it's not really surprising.

I smile.
"So, how's work? Dahir told me you're a chef"

She nods smiling "Yes, I am. It's a hobby for me"
"That's great, maybe he'll start to eat right".
She giggles "He eats yours too"

She shrugs "Is that what he told you? He barely eats at home, he's getting skinny"
"Mami, I'm working out"
She hisses "Don't mind him. Dahir, let us talk".

"I'll let you two be".


I can't deny that things have been a bit awkward with Karima.
I realized that maybe I was being too harsh, it's not like I know the full story.

I've also decided to get my own place. I make her feel uncomfortable and after her outburst I feel bad each time I see her plus I've been wanting to escape for a while now.

"Take me with you" Mutassim jokes.
He, Abubakar, Bashir and I are in our living room, in our apartment.

"You want Mami to commit suicide?" Bashir asks laughing.
"You think she will?" He asks.

"Come on, you're the only guy in this house who listens to her when she's talking about her friends and all that stuff"
"But it's not like I say anything" he counters.

"Still" Bashir says still laughing.
"I'm thinking of getting married next year, does she plan to keep me around till then? She has Farouq, he's her baby"

"You're her second baby" I joke.

Remembering Karima's reaction to what I said last week is engraved on my head. She seemed deeply hurt about it. Thinking about it, she did seem more like the victim. And I really don't want to be the bad guy in anyone's story.

I huff.

I raise my head and see all three guys looking at me intently.
"What?" I ask.

"You don't want to go?" Bashir asks sitting up.
"That's not it"

Mutassim stands "At least Karima can let loose now"
I glare at him "What is that supposed to mean?"

"She can breathe".


Zayd drops the file on my table.
I raise my head and look at him "What's that?"

He huffs and sits "A new project for you"
I groan "I'm not done with the former"
He nods "Boss specifically asked for you, I got one too"
I groan again "I think I have to pull an all-nighter"

"Really? Shouldn't you go home and then you can come back afterwards?"
"I don't think that's necessary"

"I was hoping I'd follow you home, you're lucky you get to go home to food all the time. I have to order each and every time"

"I moved out"
He laughs "Finally, I'm surprised your mother let you"
"Yeah but for a price"

I groan looking at the file.
"Did Muhammed get one?"
He raises his eyebrows "You didn't hear?"
"Hear what?"

"He, some of his friends and some people from work went to a lounge after work yesterday, he spent over 800k. None of them showed up for work until after 1am, they were all queried, hence why I got another project"

"It's nothing new, the guy lives for excitement. That was why I was surprised when I got invited to his wedding, I wondered which poor soul would tie herself to him" he gets up "Anyway, he's back on the single roaster with us"

He huffs "I'll order something for us, I think I'll pull that all-nighter too". He walks out.

Maybe Rayyan was right, could I have taken what happened between Muhammed and Karima personal because of Habiba?

I don't know him enough to just accept what he said as the truth.

I groan "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"


Abba called for me immediately I stepped foot inside the house.

I sit on the couch across him.
As usual he's seated watching wrestling. I don't understand how he loves it, it's scripted.

He looks at me then back at what he was watching "We can't all love the same thing"

I nod "I didn't say anything"
"But I saw the look on your face. You don't have to watch with me, thankfully I have Bashiru who likes it and Karima too"

"Karima watches wrestling?"
"Yeah, she would have been here but I told her I wanted to talk to you so she excused us".

I nod.
"I hope she's not part of the reason you insisted on moving out?"

I huff "Abba, it's not about her. You know I've wanted to for a while"
He nods "Your mother told me you promised to bring a wife next year"

I huff again "I had no option"
"Of course but are you seeing anyone now?"

I shake my head "I'm not"
He takes a deep breath and mute the tv "I know you're still anguished over what happened with that girl but you can't let it stop you from meeting someone"

I stay quiet.
"Your brother told me it might be the reason you treat Karima that way"

"He's worried about you and her, your relationship. He thinks it might be because of that girl"

I huff.
"Look, what that girl did is heartless but you can't take it out on Karima. She just got out of a messy marriage and the last thing I want is my son to be terrorizing her in the place she calls home. Or has she ever offended you?"

"She hasn't"
"Then please stop harassing her"

"Abba I'm not harassing her"
He nods "Whatever it is you're doing, stop"

I nod.
"She suffered in her matrimonial home, she finally escaped and her parents wouldn't accept her".

He turns the volume back on "I can't tell you, it's not my place but you've heard all I had to say and I won't interfere anymore".

I nod.
"You can go now"


Is it that I have a bad memory? Because if I can remember clearly Abba said he wouldn't interfere anymore so how is it that now I have to be the one dropping Karima off at school.

The school is very close to my office so now it's my duty to drive her to work but thankfully someone else can pick her up.

"You don't have to"
I turn around and see Karima standing behind me.

"Well, I'm thinking Abba just broke the news to you too".
She nods and sits across me "You don't have to, I can go on my own"

I shake my head "Why do you think I don't want to?"
"It's nothing new, it's obvious. You always have a scowl on your face"

I smile.
She looked at me disturbed "What was that?"
I frown "Nothing"

I look away.
"Why did you divorce him?"

She looked taken aback by my question "I thought you knew? Isn't that why you hate me?"
"I don't hate you"

"I was tired of wanting change, wanting closure, wanting attention, wanting care or even anger. It's either I got too much emotion from him or none at all" she huffs "You should come in and eat. It's getting late"

I nod.


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