Seventeen: No Time Left!

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The married contemplates divorce, the unmarried yearns marriage, the young wants to grow up quickly, the old wants youth to return, the poor want to become rich, the rich wants peace, the unknown craves fame, the popular wants privacy.

This proves how ungrateful man can be and that's our nature. We always want more.

Alhaji Abubakar yearns peace.
He did all he could so he'd get it when he eventually got old.

He worked 20hours, he married the woman he loved, he took his time to teach his kids, he took years to build them their dream home, he got them what he wanted to make them happy but somehow peace didn't seem to be near.

He was thankful his children aren't his biggest problem but his health.
At least he could see that they'd learnt a lot from him, they weren't ungrateful nor were they selfish.

His dream has always been to grow old with his grandkids running around, he'd sit in his garden reading newspapers for hours, each week his kids, their children and spouse will come by to have dinner and keep he and his wife company.

His older sister died 25years ago so he raised her kids as his while his only brother abandoned him.

His wife became too invested in worldly things, anything to be better than others.

Old age was nothing like he wanted but he knew things don't always go as planned and now he's leaving those kids he cherished more than anything in life.

He never wanted to be the reason behind someone's pain, he always wanted to be the light at the end of the tunnel for those he cared for, he wanted them to be happy and live life, something he has never done but he wanted others to.

He wanted to help his sister's sons when they didn't have anyone else, he wanted to help his friends family when he passed, he wanted to help his niece when even her father couldn't accept her.

Everyone goes through pain but if he could make things easier for the people he cared about then he'd do it no matter what.

Now he has colon cancer, with barely 4months left.

His dream didn't come true but he was contented, his three oldest sons are working, two have found the women they loved, unfortunately Mutassim came out as picky as he was, it made him smile but he had no doubt his son would choose the right woman. His middle sons though unserious but they're good boys, he had no doubt they'd eventually mature like the other three did. What he loved the most was the marriage of his baby girl, Laura. He knew she'd be affected the most as she's emotionally weak, unfortunately his daughter Fadila took after her mother but he knew her siblings eventually will put her in the right path and his last son, Farouq, the person who updates him on everything that happens, he's young but he was considerate and kind, that made him so happy.

His niece Karima who had gone through hell in her first marriage, he was happy she smiled and loved again.

But his wife, she's too busy poking herself into her son's life she doesn't notice he was at the verge of losing his. He'd fake a trip each time his health got worse but the pain was getting too much and keeping it from them was becoming more difficult, they all loved him and he knew it, but they have their lives, they're all so busy but he doesn't blame them he wants them to know that but he doesn't want that to happen until his two children are married, especially Laura. He wanted her to go through the pain of his loss with someone by her side, it hurt him each time he thought about it.

His nephew Malik, the only person he trusted with this secret. A boy he has come to trust more than even his wife. He loved his oldest son but he couldn't tell him, he knew his son all too well, he'd be in so much pain that he'd forget everything else, the woman he now loves and he doesn't want that, he doesn't want his last memories to be that of his children putting their lives on hold for him, he couldn't bear the thought of it. It hurt him to keep it from them but at least they're happy, he'd sit with them and joke without feeling the pain of the illness.

But he was happy, he has made them great people, he was contented.

He sheds a tear.
His phone starts ringing.
He smiles as he sees the name.

"Calling so late at night?"
"How are you feeling?"
He could sense the worry in his voice.

He chuckles "Malik, I'm okay"
"I shouldn't be here, I should be there with you. Why did you tell me to go? I should be taking care of you"

"You should take care of your father, he has just you and your sister"

"But he doesn't care, I don't either. He wasn't there for me like you were, please just let me come back"

"Malik, I'm fine"
He huffs "At least tell Dahir, someone needs to take care of you"

"I'm in the hospital"

He chuckles "I came with my own two feet, I want to be able to look fine for my daughter's wedding"

He could hear the boy's voice.
"You should be surrounded by the people who love and care for you. I'm coming back, there's nothing much here anyway. Karima and Ammi can handle it"

"Stay there son"
"I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon, Goodnight"

He smiles "Goodnight Malik".
He wasn't his son but he was as stubborn as he was when he was younger.


Malik's POV.

I huff as I waited for Abba in the reception.
I had to come as quickly as possible, he needs someone to take care of him.

I found out by accident, I saw him at the hospital a few times and I got worried. My ex used to work there so sometimes I pick her up from work myself.

I approached him and he came clean, he admitted that only his nurse knew about it. He insisted on keeping it a secret but I don't think I can. He should be surrounded by those who love him, he deserves that much.

The door opens and he comes out smiling from ear to ear "It's good to see you"

I nod "Likewise, how're you feeling?"
"Weak but I'll pull through"

I huff "You don't need to pretend, if you're in pain you can tell me"
"Then what kind of old man would I be?"

"You're human, we all feel pain when we're sick. I know you're strong but you don't need to pretend to be okay when you're not"

He smiles "Sometimes it feels like I'm looking at myself. Maybe my brother and I are more alike than we'd like to admit"
"Maybe I took after you"

"Perhaps" He groans "I'll get the medicine and we'll go"
I shake my head "You rest, I'll get them"

"No Malik, let me"
I nod "Okay, then I'll take you there myself"

He laughs "If you wish to".


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