Thirteen: Three Of Them!

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Third Person POV.

"Finally" Abba says getting into bed next to his wife "Now, to rest my eyes"

Mami huffs.
"Can we talk?"
He groans "Does it have to be now?"

"Yes, it's very important"
He groans again and leans on the headboard of the bed. "I'm listening"

"Haven't you noticed how close Karima and Dahir are getting?"
He nods "I know"

"You don't see anything wrong in that?"
He shrugs "Well, it's progress. He hated her and she him"

"Farouq told me they think there's something going on between them"
He sits up excitedly "Really?" He smiles proudly "I did that"

"You're proud you've ruined our son's life?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She's a divorcee and Dahir has never been married. He needs someone who hasn't been with another man"
"Don't start that, if he loves her I see no reason why he shouldn't be with her"

"You'll let him do that?"
He nods "Yes, I'll let my son choose the woman he wants to marry, no one chose you for me. I married you with my win free will and so I won't force a single child of mine to marry anyone they don't want to"

"I agree with you but your first child marrying a divorcee? When is she leaving anyway?"
"When she wants to"

She shakes her head "We should talk to her parents"
"I'm not talking to her father. Look, that girl came with her own two feet and unless she wants to leave willingly she's not going anywhere. Besides the children love her here"

"How are you so sure?"
"Even if they didn't she would still be here. And she's been helping Laura with the wedding preparations and her emotions because she keeps having second thoughts"

"I can talk to my daughter, I don't need her to console Laura"
"That's your problem but she's staying"

"Aren't you worried that Dahir isn't married yet?"
He nods "I was but with this news—not anymore" he smiles.

"What if we get he and my niece Samira married?" She asks hopefully.
"Yes that's an option but only if he wants to. You know your son has a temper and he doesn't like it when you interfere with his life. There's nothing wrong with marrying Karima, infact she'd love and cherish him more after her first marriage. Plus she's a good girl"

"What does that matter?"
He huffs "Enough! Since I woke up this morning all I've been looking forward to is sleeping on my bed at night and now you're bothering me with unimportant things"

"Your son isn't important to you?"
"Don't put words in my mouth. Leave Karima alone and I know you, kar ki muzguna mata (don't bother her). I hope you remember where your son got that temper of his from" he lies back down "Goodnight".


Karima's POV.

"Boo Bear"
"Please no" Dahir says back.

"I'm a cake now?"

"You watch too many Latin movies"

"Where did that even come from?"

"After your Game Of Thrones crush?"

I huff "You didn't like any of it"
"Do you need to have a nickname for me? You can call me babe like I call you"

"Nah, it's too common. It's probably what your other girlfriends called you"
He laughs "You're jealous already?"

I shrug.
"Well, call me bread, rice, water whatever you want and I won't complain. I'd love it no matter what it is"

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