𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. idiots

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"What the actual f–" Y/N cursed at the sight she's witnessing.

A pretty girl, laughing casually with her boyfriend, in a café and her casually holding one of his hands was not the sight she was expecting to see after a tiring day from work.

Gojo Satoru even made a poor attempt to disguise himself, but it was clear as day to everyone who knows him, especially Y/N, that he is Gojo Satoru.

And the girl with him was the perfect description Megumi told.

"I'm such an idiot for whining at Shoko like a child last night, who was that" she muttered angrily, regretting the things she blurted out last night, well, what can she do? Alcohol was taking over her. She spent the night at Shoko's place then went straight to work without stopping by their apartment. Now she was ready to go home and have a talk with Gojo, like how mature adults face their problems, and she just wanted to stop by and buy sweets before doing so, but damn what a sight she sees.

Y/N took a deep breath and clenched her fists, she was trying to think of rational ways to approach the two—or if she would even approach them. But suddenly, Gojo turned and both of their gazes met from a distance. Gojo immediately pulled his hand away and stood up to go to her but Y/N already sprinted away.

She did not plan to run away, but her body acted first before she could even process her thoughts.

"Wait! Y/N!" Gojo called out for her but she already hailed a taxi. Gojo cursed under his breath and went to the parking lot to get his car and went home, he expected her to go home in their apartment, but he was wrong, instead he was greeted with a panicking Yuji.

"Sensei! Y/N-san's missing!"


"Y/N-san went home crying and when she saw us, she slammed the door and hailed a taxi immediately, I wasn't able to run after her! What should we do? It's my fault, we don't know where she is!" Yuji was actually blaming himself, if he has just been faster then he could have stopped Y/N.

"We don't know what happened" Megumi added.

Without further ado, Gojo dialed up Nanami's number, because he was the first person he thought of, and because Y/N came from work after seeing him earlier, and after a few rings he finally picked up.

"What is it Gojo–"

"Do you happen to know where's Y/N or has she contacted you?"

"Huh? What do you mean? She just finished her presentation and went home straight, she said she was not feeling well—"

Nanami hasn't even finished his sentence and Gojo already ended the call and dialed up another number. Poor Nanami.

He tried calling Shoko but she wasn't picking up, so he dialed another number and the moment the call was picked up, Gojo never hesitated to speak first.

"Suguru, Y/N's missing" he said, stress all over his face.


"I don't know where she went! The kids said she went home crying and when she saw them she ran away and hailed a taxi!"

"Okay, first, calm down. Maybe there's a place she likes to go at times like this"

"No, I don't know where—wait, I think I know a place, I'll call you back later" he said as he dropped the call and picked up his car keys.

'I bought this car so we can go on roadtrips and dates, not looking for you! Y/N I hope you are there'

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