𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. aware

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"Hello! Are you Y/N-san's older brother-Ouch! Fushiguro! Why did you hit me?" Yuji complained as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You're such an eavesdropper"

"I just heard though!"

The man in front of them just gave a confused look as his gaze went back and forth to the spiky-haired guy and the pink-haired one.

"I didn't go to the wrong apartment, did I?" he asked, which stopped the bickering of the two. "Y/N L/N lives here, or am I wrong?" he added.

"Uh yes sir, this is where she lives" Yuji replied immediately.

"Then who are you-" Ryu wasn't able to continue speaking because he got distracted by the sudden scream of a girl.


"Oh my god Nobara stop announcing it to the world-oh shit" Y/N froze and cursed as she saw the person in front of their apartment door, panic went all over her body and she suddenly slammed the door close. This made Ryu utterly shocked. Did his sister just slammed the door in his face?

A few seconds later it opened and revealed a smiling Y/N, greeting him cheerfully.

"Ryu! You're here already? You didn't even call me! Come in!" she said as she usherred him to the living room and made him sit on the couch and served him juice.

"What was that for, Y/N? And who are those teenagers?" Ryu raised a brow on her. This made Y/N gulp as she knew his brother is starting an interrogation.

She had two options:

1. Brush it off and lie. Which will then result to Ryu's further interrogations and eventually make him disappointed in her if he finds out she's lying and maybe hate her because she lied.

2. Be honest and face reality.

She doesn't want anymore complications, so she has finally decided.

"They're actually Satoru's students" was all she said.

She wasn't clearly lying, but she didn't tell him more info.

"We're actually celebrating today because Megumi, the one with the spiky hair got 1st runner up in their quiz bee!" she said proudly, recalling the moment Megumi broke the news.

"Megumi! How was the contest?" Y/N asked as soon as she got home, she has been eagerly waiting to know the results.

"It was fine. I only got 1st runner up" he replied.

"What do you mean "only"? You ARE 1st runner up, and I'm so proud of you!"

"But it's just-"

"Shh! Don't even start. That is a great achievement period. And that wouldn't change the fact that you made us all proud, now this calls for a celebration, my treat!"

And it was at this moment, Megumi thought, that his sensei does not deserve such a kind and loving woman in his life.

'Gojo sensei's too lucky to have Y/N-san. He doesn't deserve her'

"Really? He's close with his students?" Ryu was partly surprised, and Y/N nodded while smiling.

"He actually loves those kids" Ah, there it goes, the smile that tells Ryu that his sister is in love with that man-child.

And as if on cue, Satoru hurriedly went downstairs to meet them.

"Ryu-san, it's been a while! Nice to meet you again" he greeted, almost too formally that screams unnatural for someone like him.

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