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The party was in full swing, everyone enjoying being back in the company of each other after months apart. Our mid twenties meant that we now had commitments, some to work, others to relationships, and a few to children. This was the one day a year that we went back to how it used to be: carefree and full of positivity. So why did I feel so sad?

I checked my phone more times than I can even remember, patiently waiting for Leah to follow me back, but each time I just had stupid notifications about a new software update or my journal app asking me to update it for the day before.

"So who is it?" My best friend Ciara asked.
"Who's what?" I said, acting stupid.
"The person who has got you checking your phone nonstop?" She rolled her eyes.
"Ugh. If I tell you, you can't tell anyone." I said.
"I promise." Ciara placed her hand on her chest.

I explained Christmas, the random visitors we had, and the moments that I believed Leah and I had shared. Ciara must've repeated 'England captain' to me at least five times.

"I just don't know what the whole disappointed thing means." I said, sighing deeply.
"It's a strange word to use." She nodded her head.
"Anyway, it obviously didn't mean that much. I haven't heard back from her." I sighed, standing up and taking Ciara's hand to dance.

After hours of dancing, drinking, and catching up, I jumped in a taxi home. I checked my phone, even opening the Instagram app to see if I had missed the notification. Still nothing.

I opened the front door after multiple attempts using the wrong key and kicked my shoes off. Living alone had its perks; coming home drunk didn't have to mean an effort to be quiet. I drank a glass of water and walked up to bed, singing to myself on the way upstairs.

It didn't take long for my eyes to flutter shut as my singing got quieter. My mind began to slow down, and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.


My phone startled me, making me jump slightly as my hand rummaged around the bed, trying to locate the device that had just interrupted my sleep. As I lifted it, the backlight shone brightly towards my eyes, making me squint until I lowered the brightness.


My heart flipped when I saw the logo, and my fingers scrambled to unlock my phone. I typed my password wrong twice, loudly sighing to myself at my drunkenness. As I typed in my password for the third time, my phone made another noise. I could see that Leah had followed me back, and my heart skipped a beat. More to the point, she had messaged me.

Sorry it took so long - we had a late family Christmas today.

I thought I'd gotten lost among your other notifications. Thanks for the flowers🥰

Did they brighten up your bin?

They made it to the windowsill, actually! Count yourself lucky🫢

I'm glad you like them. Why are you up so late?

I had a Christmas night out tonight and just got home. You?

Good? Family just left.

I'm just going to be straight to the point, what were you disappointed about?

The conversation, it didn't go how I wanted it to.

Welllll what did you expect when you literally stopped in the middle of it and announced your departure?🫣

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