800 Days Later

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Leah Williamson has officially filed for divorce from Sophie Kelly.

Leah Williamson has officially filed for divorce, ending her five-year marriage. In a shocking revelation earlier this year, we brought to light the secret affair of Sophie Kelly, the owner of Williamson & Co., which had been going on for almost six months.

Since then, the public has been witness to the unravelling of their relationship. Shortly after the shocking revelations came to light, Leah swiftly erased any signs of Kelly from her social media profiles, even going as far as unfollowing individuals connected to the Kelly family. She has expressed her endorsement for fan videos that portray Kelly as unfaithful and has shared quotes insinuating that those who engage in infidelity will inevitably face consequences.

Kelly maintained her silence when the rumours emerged, opting to temporarily deactivate her social media accounts until April of this year. She returned to Instagram with a fiery statement, mocking her online enemies, criticising the media's portrayal of the incident, and passionately proclaiming her innocence. You can read that statement below:

"I have refrained from addressing the ongoing rumours surrounding my marriage for as long as I could, but it has become evident that in a battle against the most despicable individuals on the internet, remaining silent is not an option.
I vehemently deny any suggestion of infidelity towards Leah, and I am determined to uncover the individual responsible for spreading these false accusations that have ultimately destroyed my marriage.
In the past week, I've been receiving a series of letters in the mail that are filled with vile and intolerable hatred aimed at my children. It is absolutely mind-boggling how the individuals responsible for these letters fail to comprehend that my children are also Leah's children. Resorting to attacking them is not a viable approach to protect Leah, nor should she encourage you to think that she needs protecting.
To the media, who seem to derive pleasure from invading my privacy and sensationalising trivial details of my daily routine or facial expressions, I sincerely hope that you never have to witness your own family being subjected to such an invasive level of scrutiny.
I urge the social media warriors to consider the lasting impact of your words before posting them online and remember that they will still be visible when my children are old enough to use the internet themselves. Someday, when I can finally expose the truth, your apologies will not erase the hurtful and spiteful comments you've made for the world, and my children, to see."

In a surprising twist, Leah took a stand to support her soon-to-be ex-wife, sharing the post on her personal social media platform prior to issuing her own statement. Below, you'll find that statement:

"Whilst I am grateful for the support I have received during this challenging period, I insist that anyone responsible for directing hatred towards my children cease their actions immediately.
The top priority for Sophie and I is the well-being of our children. Despite our differences, we are united in our commitment to protect them from any harm. In moments of pain, it's natural to respond publicly. If my public reactions, such as interacting with videos or posts about Sophie, have given the impression that I support hateful behaviour towards my children, I want to apologise for that."

The internet has been divided since both statements were released, we've included just a few of the reactions below:

Sophie didn't care about her children when she was shacking up with someone else behind Leah's back, did she?

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