Belfast Needs You

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Entering through the doors of this building used to feel strange; for so many years I had worked from the Belfast office, and even if it had been a while, I still felt out of place in London. Since Leah and I moved in together, I had allowed my heart to accept that London was now my home. I didn't think twice now about scanning my card on the rotating security barrier or about the lack of Belfast accents as I wished my staff members good morning.

In usual fashion, Paula was already sitting at her desk when I entered. She was one of those people who was always beyond early for fear of being late. It was a running joke between the two of us and had become a joke with the rest of the employees too.

"Morning P, another day of lateness, I see." I smiled as I let the door close behind me.
"I really must get up earlier. Leah get off okay?"
"Yeah, look." I said, proudly showing her the picture that Amanda had sent me.
"You'll miss her."
"I will, but needs must. What have you got planned for me today?" I asked, referencing the diary that she had opened on her computer.
"Court at 2 p.m., divorce settlement. Free until then—no wait—Kyle Lloyd is in here for 10 a.m."
"Fuck." I said, my eyes widening.
"Uh oh." Paula laughed.

Kyle Lloyd was the owner of Lloyd & Sons, he had taken over from his father after retirement. Despite me being a partner in the firm, he held the biggest percentage, making him my boss and giving him the upper hand that he so eagerly enjoyed. By the time his father retired, Kyle had all but run the company, overseeing the running of the firm while doing little work himself. He wasn't the type of person you wanted a meeting with; he usually groaned on about some minor detail that he was unhappy with, rarely telling you anything positive about your achievements.

I glanced over the paperwork, ensuring it was filed correctly but knowing that Paula wouldn't have missed a trick. As 10 a.m. approached, almost as if she sensed my level of stress, Leah sent a text. It was short but sweet, her way of letting me know I was on her mind while knowing that she didn't have time to be on her phone.

I miss you already. I hope work is going well today. I know how much you hate Mondays. I'll talk to you later, I love you.

Kyle is on his way, that's how my Monday is going! Talk to you tonight, I love you!

Remember to only swear at him in your head, babe, not like last time.

I laughed at Leah's reference to the last time I met with Kyle. We were discussing a client that I had been dealing with, a jumped-up businessman who believed he was above the law until he was caught playing dodgeball with the taxman. I was used to talking with Liam about these kinds of cases, but unbeknownst to me, Kyle was nothing like Liam. As I described the type of person that the businessman was, I used the term bit of a dick to be honest, and I immediately noticed his eyes shoot up to meet mine. He let out a slight cough before telling me that it was an inappropriate reference to a client that was paying us a lot of money. When I returned home that night, I ranted on at Leah about his lack of humour as she struggled to breathe between hearty laughs that she couldn't control.

At exactly 10 a.m., Kyle opened the door to my office, his face stern as always and a lack of joy in his eyes.

"Good morning, Kyle." I smiled.
"Sophie." He nodded.
"General visit, or something wrong?"

Kyle spent the next hour rooting through cases, testing my knowledge of the cases that my employees were handling. He asked questions about our filing system, giving me 'ideas' as to how it could be done better. I took notes, knowing that the second he left, I would throw the paper into the bin. Every time I felt my anger coming to the surface, anger at his poor people management skills, I allowed my mind to think of Leah. The image of her cuddling into me as she slept last night managed to stop me from telling Kyle that he could give a compliment once in a while. Finally he stopped, gathering up the files that he had placed across my desk and placing them back into the cabinet. I noticed his face soften slightly, his eyes meeting mine again.

"You're doing good, Sophie. Really good."
"I appreciate that, Kyle. Thank you."
"I have some news, but not good news. In fact, this is terrible news, but news that we must deal with in a timely manner." He spoke.
"Liam's wife is unwell. Cancer. They're hoping they have caught it early, but he will be needing some time out." He placed himself in the seat again.
"That's terrible; is he okay? Of course he will need time out; if there's anything I can do."

By that statement, I very much meant that I could travel to Belfast a few times a month to keep an eye on things. Liam had been the one person to believe in me for all those years. I did my placement at his office, and I certainly wouldn't let it crumble when he needed time off.

"Mhmm. I thought you would say that. When can you go?"
"Go where?"
"To Belfast."
"I could probably do it every second Friday, obviously when I don't have court. Fridays seem to be -" Kyle shifted in his seat before interrupting me.
"Full time, Sophie." He said firmly.
"You mean I would be going back to Belfast?" My eyes widened.
"That is typically what full-time would insinuate, yes." His tone was patronising, irritating me again.
"I can't do that, Kyle. I'm sorry. My life is here; my partner is here." I began before he rudely interrupted me again.
"It wasn't a question, Sophie. It was a demand. Her treatment starts in 4 weeks; she has to have an operation first. You'll be needed there on that date. Then, of course, you'll be back here. When Liam is back. If he is back."

With that, Kyle exited the office as if he hadn't just demanded that I completely transform my life for him. Paula entered soon after to find out why he had decided to visit. I blurted out what was going on, leaving out the part about why Liam had to go off, as that wasn't my place.

"What're you going to do?" She asked.
"I have no idea. Leah and I won't survive long distance again; I know we won't." I sighed.
"You'll work it out. Just remember that your career is important too, Sophie." Paula smiled at me before returning to her own office.

The rest of the day dragged on. I was eager to talk to Leah but nervous about her reaction. Leah and I were great at talking when we were together, but when we were apart, things often escalated more than they needed to. I worried that she would shut herself off and tell me to go before she had to face the rejection. I collected my belongings, headed to court, and let Paula know that I wouldn't be back after as it was likely to go on until the evening.

Listening to two people who had once been very in love, enough to get married, tear each other apart via a divorce settlement was difficult. It always was, but today it was more poignant. It made me worry that Leah and I would ever get to this stage, and more so because we were just starting out with talk of marriage. Would we even get to that point?

After the worst Monday I have had in quite some time, I finally sat on the sofa and awaited the call from Leah. I felt my shoulders relax as her name appeared on the screen, and my whole body relaxed as I heard her voice.

"Hello you." Leah said affectionately.
"Ugh, am I glad to hear your voice."
"Bad day at the office?"
"The worst. How was your day?"
"Tiring. I'm exhausted. What did Kyle want?"
"His usual demands, thinking that no one else has a fucking life but him."
"Soph, calm down. What's wrong?"
"Liam's wife has been diagnosed with cancer. Starts her treatment in 4 weeks."
"God - that's awful. Is he okay?"
"I haven't checked in with him yet; I don't know what to say."
"You'll find the words; you always do. Kyle needs to find someone to replace him then."
"Yeah, wants it to be me -" I began before Leah cut me off.
"You? How can you work from Lon - oh - I see - right well I - okay" Leah's words jumbled as she processed what I was saying.
"Le, stop. I'm not going."
"You don't really have a choice. When do you go? Will you be away before I come back?" She sighed.
"No, I will be here because I'm not going."
"What are you going to do? You know he's going to say that you can't work there anymore."
"I'll work it out. You just enjoy your time at camp and get back to me soon."
"There's no I in this anymore. It's us. I might be at camp, but I want you to keep talking to me about what's going on in your head, okay?"
"Always, Le, I love you. Get some sleep."
"I love you, Soph. Night."

Almost as soon as the phone hung up, I got a text from Leah. It was a simple text that reiterated her support for me.

Whatever you have to do, do it. You have my full support. Even if it is Belfast. I'm still marrying you when I get back, though x

You better. Night Le x

Night Soph x

Now I just needed to decide what I could do. If I don't have my job, what do I do with my life?

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