The First Night (Kinda)

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Once back in the car, Leah and I began our journey back to her house; this time our fingers stayed interlocked, both smiling as Leah kept her eyes on the road and I kept my eyes on her. The faint sound of soul music could be heard in the background, along with the odd whizz of a passing car.

"Are you coming over? I can drop you home if you don't want to."
"I want to. I can go home, though, if that's what you want." I smiled, internally hoping.
"I want you to come over. I just want you to be comfortable too." Leah smiled.
"I am. I promise."

I chuckled to myself as we pulled into the driveway, remembering my nerves the last time I had pulled in here and how they had now disappeared. Leah let us into the house, running upstairs to get me something to change into. I think she was secretly trying to ensure I had no reason not to stay. I headed to the bathroom to get changed, finding Leah on the sofa texting when I came back in.

"Breaking up with your new girlfriend for me?" I said playfully.
"Texting my mum, actually."
"How is she?" I smiled as I took a seat beside Leah.
"She's good. Misses you." Leah placed her arm around my shoulders.
"I thought they would hate me." I sighed.
"Yeah, I thought you might. Read these." Leah passed her phone to me.

I'm meeting Sophie tonight!

I'm so happy for you, Bubba. Are you nervous?


It will be okay. Let me know how it goes. Xx

I just left her now, it was amazing, Mum. She doesn't want to jump back into anything, but I think we're going to be friends for a bit and see what happens.

I'm happy for you both. Xx

— — — —

Sophie stayed last night!

Wow! Where did that come from?

We were texting, so she came around. We didn't kiss or anything, but we slept in the same bed :)

Going in the right direction. Slow is always best anyway. I really hope you two work things out, I've missed Sophie a lot.

I know 🙄 You tell me often enough!

That's what mums are for!

— — — —

I need your help. I'm taking Sophie on a date on Friday, and I need you to sort out the place for me before we get there.

Anything for my two favourite girls :) Where are you taking her?

A little island off the forest. Dad's going to borrow a motorboat to bring us across.

Why there?

I'll call after training and explain. You'll do it, though? Please?

Of course I will!

"Wait, did you tell her?" I asked.
"The whole thing?"
"Le, you never wanted to tell anyone that. You told her, just so you could organise tonight?"
"I would do anything to make nights like tonight happen for us, Sophie. Even if I'm scared."
"I love you." I said between kisses.
"I love you." Leah smiled, taking me into her arms as we decided on a film.

This was like old times; it was like we had never been apart. Only better than that, it was like someone had zapped all of the negativity away from us. I knew I still needed to tell Leah that it wasn't all her; I still needed to broach my own feelings and failings.

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