The Firm

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You free Saturday?

Of course, what's up?

Mum's having a party for Jacob's birthday. I was wondering if you would come with me?

Well, if Amanda is there, I'm there!

There was me thinking it was me you loved...

Well, that too🤭

— — — —

I hadn't thought about how I would feel when Saturday actually arrived, and I was extremely nervous. I couldn't help but wonder if they would ever forgive me for walking out on Leah the way I did, giving up on her because things got difficult. I sat on the arm of the sofa, waiting for Leah to come downstairs, gazing off into the distance as I tried to stop my brain that was in overdrive, with absolutely no idea that Leah had been in the room for a few minutes and attempting to talk to me. I jumped when her arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind, making her laugh slightly.

"You okay, Soph?"
"Yeah. You ready?"
"Not yet. Talk to me; what's going on?"
"I'm just nervous." I sighed.

Leah didn't answer; instead, she got out her phone and, after a few clicks, slipped it back into her pocket. She took my hand into hers and pulled me onto the sofa beside her.

"We're going to be late."
"I've told them we won't be there for another half hour; let's talk." Leah smiled.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so nervous—well, I do know, obviously. I just didn't expect to feel so completely and utterly incapable."
"I'm going to feel the same when I see your family again, Soph. I get it. They haven't said one bad word about you; I want you to know that."
"Can we stay like this for a little while? I feel safe like this."
"We can stay like this for as long as you need, Soph. Do you want me to cancel?" Leah said softly.
"No, I want to go. Just in five minutes." I smiled, pulling Leah's hand into my hair.

When we eventually made our way there, Leah pulled me into a hug before we got out of the car, almost like an I'm here and I've got you kind of hug. She affectionately rubbed her hand up and down my back, placing small kisses on my forehead. The minute we were out of the car, Leah interlocked our fingers, guiding me towards the door of her mum's house and placing another kiss on my lips before she pushed it open.

"Ready?" She whispered through a smile.

It was strange being back here; the last time we had been here, it was an acceptance of the end; this time, it was the start of a new beginning. Amanda immediately locked eyes with me, basically running from one side of the room to the other with her arms outstretched.

"Sophie! How glad am I to see your face again! Oh god, come here!" She shouted as she approached me.
"Hi Amanda. It's really lovely to see you again."
"Oh, that little accent!" Amanda chuckled.
"Still as strong." I chuckled back.
"Sophie, it is so good to see you. I need to tell you all about Peter!" She rolled her eyes.
"I've heard he's not great."
"Not great? He's a -"
"Mother." Jacob chuckled.
"Jacob!" I smiled.
"Hi Soph, great to see you again."

We made our way around the room, every person telling me how glad they were to see me again. Leah let go of my hand, causing me to feel a little anxious until I felt her arm slink around my back, gently tracing circles on my side.

"Sophie!" I heard Holly shout.
"Holly, long time no see."
"You forgave her for being a dick, then?" The blonde joked.
"How could I not forgive that face?"
"I told her, you'll regret it the minute she's away from you, and she wouldn't listen. Then she called me crying because you were gone—this woman!" Holly chuckled.
"It worked out in the end. Thanks for everything." I smiled, recalling how Holly had been so comforting to me that night.

As the party began to die down, Leah leaned towards me on the sofa. Amanda incoming was whispered in my ear as I looked up to see her strolling towards us.

"I'm stealing Sophie, Leah." Amanda said.
"Bring her back." Leah joked.

Amanda walked us outside, taking her place at the outdoor table and gesturing for me to sit down beside her. My stomach filled with nerves as I waited for the if you ever leave her like that again talk.

"How's things going?" Amanda asked.
"Yeah, good; we've been kind of getting to know each other all over again. I really love her, and I know what I -"
"I don't mean with you and Leah, Sophie." She interrupted me.
"You don't?"
"No, I mean with you. I always wanted to talk to you and find out how you were getting on, but I didn't want you to think Leah had put me up to it. How was Ireland? How's the new job? How's Olivia?"
"Ireland was okay; it was a bit weird being back there. Liv is great and getting big now. The new job is a job, I guess. Doesn't compare to what we had, though." I smiled at her.
"That guy, Peter, is a dick. Good solicitor, horrible person." Amanda sighed.
"I'm sorry, I needed a quick sale. I did tell my legal guy to try to find someone that wasn't a dick."
"Wait, Peter doesn't own anything. He's just the person I brought in to take charge of the place. You know, someone with an actual law degree, because I had no clue. Didn't Leah tell you?" Amanda said, looking dumbfounded.
"So who bought my half?"


"I - wh - she - I - Leah." I stuttered.
"She wouldn't let me sell it to anyone else."
"Ask her yourself." Amanda nodded in Leah's direction as she came strolling towards us.

As Leah reached the table, Amanda gave both of us a kiss on the cheek and headed inside. Leah was trying to read my reaction, obviously working out by my face what her mum and I had discussed.

"Say something." She whispered.
"I can't."
"I'm sorry, Sophie. Please don't leave me again." Leah said, her voice becoming shaky.
"Leave you? Why would I leave you, silly?" I chuckled.
"I thought you were angry."
"I'm not at all. I'm just confused. You never wanted any part in that firm."
"I don't. Still. I've done nothing except hand money over; that's why we needed Peter. That was your firm, Sophie. You set it up, you won the awards, you built the brand, and you hired the amazing people that work there. I couldn't stand by and watch on as someone else bought into the effort that you had put in. So I bought it. So that when you were ready, I could hand it back to you."
"But how would you know that?"
"I didn't. But like I said the other night, I would wait forever for you. Even if it was just to hand the firm back."
"But Paula—Paula literally said he was the owner."
"She's too good." Leah smirked.
"She knew?"
"Yeah. She knew, babe."

I couldn't sit apart from Leah any longer, pushing back my chair and sitting myself on her lap instead. My hands wrapped around her neck to play with her hair, hers rubbing my back gently.

"Thank you." I whispered.
"It's safe with me until you're ready. I know it'll take some time before you feel ready for that again. I'll look after it."
"Thank you." I whispered again.
"Stop that; that's what I'm here for." She smiled, pecking my cheek.
"You make me really happy." I smiled shyly.
"You make me really happy. Doing this all over again with you has been the most amazing feeling, I can't wait until you're mine again, properly." Leah smiled, speaking her feelings.
"Ask me then, silly."
"Yeah. I want to be yours, Le."
"Yeah, Le?"
"Would it be okay if I called you my girlfriend again?" Leah chuckled.
"That would be okay." I chuckled back before placing my lips on hers.

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