31st December | Part 2

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As lovely as it was to be congratulated by our family and friends, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been excited to have some time on my own with Leah, and I knew she felt it too. That time came soon after as we got into the car that would bring the two of us to the evening venue, going the long way to make sure the guests got there first. Leah took my hand to steady me as I tried to negotiate my figure-hugging dress and the step down into the limousine, stopping for a second to admire my ring before chuckling to herself and climbing in behind me. The driver welcomed us quickly and then put up the opaque glass partition between his section and the back of the car. Leah wasted no time before connecting our lips again; this time the kiss lasted longer until we eventually broke apart to speak to one another alone before we would spend the night entertaining guests.

"I can't believe you're my wife." Leah breathed out.
"Me neither. That thing with Liv, Le, was so thoughtful. It was perfect. Today was perfect. You are perfect."
"I can't stop looking at our rings." Leah blushed.
"I don't think it will ever feel real; I hope it never does. I never want to lose this feeling, you know?"
"I know. I feel the same. What way was your mum, Soph?"
"She was fine, just like a normal mum. I think. I can't believe you gave me your hairdresser." I chuckled.
"She texted me, actually, frantically apologising for letting it slip."
"I thought she might. Her face dropped when she realised I didn't know." I giggled.
"I missed you, Soph. I know that sounds silly; it was only one night, but I missed you so much."
"It doesn't sound silly to me; I missed you too. I kept waking up during the night and hoping you would magically appear beside me."
"Me too. God, when did we get so soft?"
"I don't know - I like it though." I smiled.
"I love you, Soph."
"I love you, Le."

Leah reached for two glasses, pouring both of us a drink before leaning her head on my shoulder and sighing in contentment as my arm draped around her shoulder and my lips pressed against the side of her head.

"I wish we could just go to bed now, I really need to cuddle you." She whispered, her hand rubbing along my thigh.
"Cuddle me, is that what you call it?" I chuckled.
"Cuddle you, after." She whispered, giving my neck a peck.
"We can't go to bed until at least 12; it's New Year's Eve." I chuckled.
"New Year's Eve used to be my least favourite night until that time we kissed in New York, that first kiss."
"The moment I knew I was going to fall head over heels in love with you." I giggled.
"Yeah. I think that was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."
"Even though you were really annoyed at me that whole day?"
"You did leave me for hours."
"I had to fly to New York and back, Soph." Leah joked, her goofiness making me smile more than before.
"Maybe next year I'll kiss you for real in New York on New Year's Eve, for our first wedding anniversary."
"Butterflies." Leah whispered.
"Butterflies." I whispered back.

We pulled up to the reception venue before long, and Leah's eyes immediately began to fill with tears.

"What's wrong, Le? What's wrong?" I panicked.
"This has all been my dream. Hasn't it? My island of memories, my city, my song when we walk in here, my family not having to travel, and my favourite hotel for the evening venue. I've just realised; why didn't I realise? How didn't I realise? Why can't I stop being so selfish?"

I knew she was just overwhelmed with emotions, and I knew that I had to just embrace it rather than be upset that she was upset on our wedding day. She wasn't upset, not deep down; she just didn't know what to do with the thousands of different emotions we were both feeling.

"You." I whispered, cupping her cheek with my hand and pressing our lips together.
"You are my dream."
"You actually make my heart melt." Leah said, her lips quivering but a smile on her face.

I gave her a small wink and a smile, taking a deep breath in and out and watching as she followed my actions. The door opened, and both of us thanked the driver as we stepped out of the vehicle and made our way towards the door of the reception room.

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