Two Loves

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Leah and I were back in our little bubble again after the revelation of our miscommunication. The weeks before she left for England camp were spent going on dates, talking about our future, and spending time with Leah's family. Leah was worried about camp; anyone could see that. She was worried about it taking a toll on our relationship. I was confident in our ability to cope with the distance; after all that we had talked about recently, I just couldn't wait to have her back, even if she hadn't left yet.

The night before she was due to travel to camp, Leah was very obviously agitated about something. Her usual calm, cool, and collected nature was missing; she shuffled around the house and cleaned things that were spotless. Even with something weighing on her mind, I didn't suffer for it. She didn't get sharp with me or push me away, still brushing her fingertips against my back or placing a kiss on my head as she passed me with the hoover. I patiently waited, knowing I had to let her get the energy that had built up in her system out, waiting for my moment to find out what was on her mind. She eventually settled on the sofa beside me, her arms wrapping around my waist to pull me closer to her.

As we lay together, I was just about to speak but was interrupted by Leah's phone. She gently lifted my hand from her leg to check it, doing so directly in front of my eyes. We often glanced at each other's phones, not out of paranoia but simply out of an openness that we had developed between each other.

Bubba, am I taking you tomorrow? It's ok if you would rather Sophie take you. Xx

I felt Leah's stomach move in slowly with her breath; now I know what's wrong. I settled into her again, turning to face her with my head still resting on her legs and my arms around her waist.

"What time is your mum picking you up?" I whispered.
"Aren't you taking me? Didn't we say that?"
"We did. I would love to take you, Le; you know I would, but this is something that you have always done with your mum. It's tradition." I wrapped my arms more tightly around her frame.
"I don't want you to think that you aren't important to me or that you're less important. If I could have the two of you there, I would, but Georgia and Alex need a lift from the station; with the bags, there'll be no room." Leah sighed.
"I won't think that; I'm still going to go shopping with Rhys every year on the 23rd of December. Just like your mum is still going to drop you off at camp every time. They're little things that we will do in our lives apart; the biggest things we'll do together."
"I can't believe I wasted so much time cleaning when I could've just had this conversation with you." Leah giggled, her body finally relaxing.
"Text her there; let her know to pick you up."

Can't break tradition, Sophie is fine with it. I will see you tomorrow x

I'm so pleased, I thought you would forget about your old mum now! Xx

Leah showed me the text from her mum, both of us laughing at the old reference; she was anything but old. We didn't stay up long, deciding to go to bed early in preparation for the nights we would spend apart. We took turns that night, both being the ones to rest our heads on the other's chest, soaking up the last bit of intimacy that we would have for a while. Few words other than I love you were exchanged—just one sentence from Leah that made me evaporate in her arms.

"I'm going to marry you, Soph. Once I get back, I'm going to marry you."

As Leah wheeled her suitcase towards the front door, I found it difficult to be strong for her. Going from seeing someone every day to knowing you wouldn't hold them again for a few weeks was difficult to process, but as always, I was proud beyond words of her. Amanda took herself to the car to allow us a few minutes together before they had to leave, always giving me my moment as Leah's girlfriend, a place in her life that was once closed off to anyone else.

Leah wrapped her arms around me, placing a kiss on my forehead before lifting me off the ground. She steadied my legs by placing her hands under my thighs and gazing up at me.

"Wow, you can really see a lot from up here." I giggled.
"I know, it's a whole new world for you, Soph."
"I'm going to miss you, Le."
"I'm going to miss you more, but we will talk every day, and I'll be back before you know it."
"I love you more than you'll ever know."
"I love you, Soph. Always."

After more kisses than I could count, Leah and I eventually parted ways. I waved from the front door as her mum drove out of the gates in the driveway. Just as the car pulled off to the right, Leah's head appeared out the window, making me laugh to myself.

"I love you, Sophie!" She shouted through the air that lay between us.
"I love you!"

I wasn't sure if Leah would hear me over the noise of the car, but I knew I had said it. I smiled as I watched the car fade into the distance. Six weeks, Sophie. Six weeks, and she'll be back.

The house was quieter without Leah; the only noise was my own footsteps as I pattered around the house getting ready for work. I ate breakfast alone today, finding the absence of Leah odd but knowing that she would return to me soon. Just as I was leaving to go to work, a text came through on my phone. I opened it to find a picture of Leah and Amanda, both smiling into the camera, Leah's blonde locks floating in the light breeze that was in the air today. I felt a tiny piece of sadness that I wasn't there until I read the rest of the message.

That's our girl dropped off and ready for action! Thank you for letting me be the one to take her, it's my favourite part of the year. I'll be round at the weekend to see you, our door is always open if you're bored or lonely, Sophie. Xx

I would never stand in the way of tradition! I'll see you at the weekend. Thank you xx

Knowing that Amanda had been able to enjoy those moments with Leah—the ones she had worked so hard to ensure Leah had been able to do—made the idea of not being there to wave her off worth it. I grabbed my belongings and headed off for work.

If only I had known what would happen in my Monday meeting.

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