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With Leah's post came the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Leah had suspected this would happen; I suppose I had too, but I hadn't accounted for just how small I would be made to feel. Leah's return to intensive training sessions, photoshoots, and public appearances had heightened the impact. While Leah was around, I couldn't obsess over the comments that had been made or the messages I was receiving. Her absence made it easier for me to scroll through them without Leah here to remind me that they didn't matter. Returning from work on a windy Wednesday night, I found myself gravitating towards the Twitter logo and searching for Sophie Kelly, tears creating two perfect streams down my face.

Sophie Kelly is so plain—not what I imagined someone like Leah would end up with.

Sophie Kelly needs to fuck off back to Ireland lol

My biggest question in life is: What does Leah see in Sophie Kelly?

How can Sophie Kelly say she loves Leah when she holds her back so much? Leah has people who are beautiful and want her, and she's ended up with THAT.

It went from bad to worse as I searched for more variations of my name and more variations of things that could potentially bring up comments about my relationship with Leah.

Leah does not look at Sophie the way she looks at Rebecca

Forever praying for Leah to recognise she can do better than Sophie

Ugh Sophie in the crowd at Leah's match today makes my skin crawl. She is like a little kid that follows Leah around

That's when my heart stopped beating. Just three minutes ago, the Daily Mail posted a story that I couldn't quite believe they had gone to the effort of finding.

Leah Williamson's girlfriend once defended THIS criminal.

The girlfriend of Arsenal and England star Leah Williamson has a dark past that she has kept hidden from the public.

The Daily Mail has uncovered public records that show she defended a terrorist in court accused of the murder of seventeen-year-old Taylor Biggs. The seventeen-year-old was brutally murdered in 2021 in what was believed to be a sectarian hate crime. Miss Kelly was part of a team of legal representatives that cleared his name.

Just four months later, the 49-year-old was rearrested by police in connection with the murder after new evidence was brought to light. He has since been sentenced to life imprisonment.

A former close friend of Sophie told our team:

"Sophie defended Colin Coyle in 2021 for a large sum of money; her policy has always been that she must perform her duty as a legal representative to her best ability, whether the person she is defending is guilty or innocent.

At the time, Sophie was strongly advised against the case by management but proceeded due to the high-profile nature of the case. This case kicked off her career and gave her a large sum of money to allow her to advance her qualifications to become the solicitor that she is today.

"We were shocked and saddened to find out that she had defended someone that she so clearly knew was guilty, but it shows how far someone is willing to go for money."

I struggled to regain my normal breathing pattern, my mind rushing to think: who was my ex-close friend, and why would they say these things about me? That was not my policy, ever.


"Congratulations, Mr. Coyle. You are a free man now, I am sorry that it has taken so long to clear your name." I said as I shook the hand of my client.
"You're incredible, Sophie. My family will be eternally grateful that you have managed to defend me." He smiled.
"I believe in the innocent being set free, Mr. Coyle."
"And the guilty that have been proven innocent." He winked.

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