The Offer

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Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited about that next chapter, though.

On a rainy Friday afternoon, I was just packing up my things to head home when my manager, Liam, asked for a private chat. Private chats with Liam weren't unusual; he often followed up on my cases and checked in to see how my work was going, but on a Friday he always left early.

"You're still here!" I said, realising after that it sounded rude.
"Am indeed." He smiled.
"Sorry. You startled me. I thought I was the only one here." I said, as I followed him into his office.
"Take a seat." Liam said, looking glum.
"Is something wrong, Liam?"
"Kind of. Good for you, bad for me."
"Oh god. You aren't leaving, are you?"
"No, no. Lloyd & Sons is extending."
"Shit, that's great news. Why is it bad for you?"
"They want you to manage the new place."

I laughed as I realised Liam was telling me he would be sad if I left.

"And you know if I leave, no one will still be here at 8 p.m. when you forget something?"
"Exactly, Sophie." He laughed.
"I don't know if I could do that."
"You could. I know you could. You're a brilliant solicitor, Sophie. So dedicated. There is one other thing, though."
"Go on?"
"It's in London."
"It is?"
"Yes. Isn't that where your girlfriend is?"
"It is. I'll talk it over with my family and Leah and see what I think. How long do I have?"
"Monday?" My eyes widened.
"Yes, sorry. Not ideal, I know." He smiled.
"Okay, boss, thanks."

I exited the room feeling conflicted. Of course I wanted to be with Leah, but my whole family lives in Ireland. My life is in Ireland; I have built myself a life here—the house, the cars, my friends. How could I leave Olivia? She would be devastated.

As I wandered through the car park to my car, I checked my phone. I smiled as I saw Leah's name on my lock screen.

Are you still working, babe?

Just leaving now. Liam wanted a meeting at the end of the day, so I got held up a bit.

Boss Liam? Doesn't he usually finish early on a Friday?

I laughed at Leah knowing this information, realising that I probably had complained about it once or twice.

Yeah, that one. I'll fill you in when I'm home.

You're okay, though, right?

I'm okay. I'll call you soon.

I lied. I definitely wasn't okay. I was completely torn. I couldn't wait to get home and talk to Leah about the meeting. If I told her my concerns, maybe she could help settle my mind a bit.

I had found with Hannah that I had thrown myself into situations that I maybe didn't want to, in the name of love. I didn't want to repeat history. I didn't want the big, fancy house; that was all for Hannah. When she left, I ended up in that house alone; if Leah had left and I was in London, it would have been so much worse. I'd be in London alone.

Once I had settled down on the sofa, I called Leah. As always, one or two rings, and the phone is picked up.

"Soph!" Leah said, I could practically hear her smile through the phone.
"Are you okay, Le?" I said softly.
"All good. Exhausted but didn't want to sleep without hearing your voice."
"I'm glad you didn't."
"What did Liam want?"
"They're opening a new one."
"A new?"
"Solicitors. They want me to manage it."
"Soph, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you. Wait, why do you sound so unhappy about it?"
"It's in London." I said, trying to maintain a neutral tone.
"London?!" Leah said excitedly.
"Yeah. I have a lot of thinking to do." I sighed.
"You do?"
"Yes. My whole family is here; my life is here." I said.
"Ah, I see. Well, just do what's right for you, I guess." Leah snapped.
"Don't be like that, Le." I pleaded.
"I'm not being like anything. I'm tired and need to sleep. Goodnight, Soph." She said, as I heard those three beeps to let me know the call was over.

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