Desc. And About Me :]

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Song listened to while writing this part: Revenge Party, Mean Girls the Musical

Quick note, anything posted on my wattpad such as quick A/Ns between chapters are going to be significantly worse grammar and spelling-wise. I write all of my stories on a computer- google docs-- and then i copy/paste them into wattpad chapter by chapter, bc i type faster and more efficiently on computer than on my phone since i have fast fingers and long ass nails (they grow too fast to bother cutting them). So yeah just a cute little disclaimer, that's why my grammar and shit is so good ig

ALRIGHTTTTT so this is inspired by a tumblr series that I found, it's been discontinued by the creator (a oneshot, "please save me" by hitoshiyoshi, and then the series "Mommy Dearest" by stealforreal), but since there is no option on their account that I've seen saying that it's adoptable (prolly bc it's on tumblr and thats more a wattpad thing) and because I'd like to change a few things about it bc I'm an afab genderfluid person that would absolutely loath being called mommy by anyone other than my bffs on a femme day where I'm feeling extra hot.

ANYWAYS, this is going to be a series of a gender nonspecific person, though there may be moments where I'll mention things kinda afab-ish, so I'll probably label this as afab reader just so I don't accidentally trigger anyone if they're looking for complete gender neutrality.

We'll be starting with the fact that the oneshot i mentioned is specifically about adopting and saving tenko, while the series is about giving the people who deserved better another chance at a good childhood, such as tenko (who is the only character mentioned in the parts that the OW finished before discontinued it) and i plan on including the Todoroki kids (before or maybe directly after the touya incident) as well as Shinso and Toga and maybe Bakugou (bc i will die on the hill of Mitsuki being abusive and Masaru being complacent).

The main character, or reader (y/n), will likely be referred to by something I've always figured I'd be referred to as when I become a psycho teen foster parent. There is, of course, the fact these aren't teens that mess this up.

There is Mapa (a commonly used transmasc parent term), or they could legit just call the reader by their name, it kinda depends on the kid and it'll also depend on how long the kids have been with the reader.

There's the legit name "seahorse dad" which I find funny, and it validates me and other ppl that just want to be seen as something other than feminine, but I'll figure it out as I go (I'm also not opposed to opinions from you shared :]).

Izuku will see the reader as his aunt/uncle figure, so I will be using the term "auntle," a mix between uncle and auntie so that it's still gn and bc i like showing different gn ways to call your loved ones in this overgendered society :).

Now lastly, this story will include mentions and depictions of PTSD, child abuse, child neglect, the foster and adoption system (for those who have had poor experiences in it), child abandonment, unintentional self-harm, self-blame, law enforcement officers, bigots in a superpowered world, children dressing in clothing that doesn't fit gender roles (for the bigots considering reading this <3) and temporary selective muteness.

If any of these trigger you, or you just generally don't like reading them (some things do give me little icks even if they don't trigger me, so this is for those others like me :]) then click off before you get invested, though I will include trigger warnings and content warnings at the beginning of each chapter.

Name: Alex/Weeb the Cat (Weeb or Cat is fine :])
Pronouns/Gender: Genderfluid, They/he/it
Age: 15 :]

I do swim and I've also been missing a lot of school recently so uh if the writing is sub-par then I'm sorry. I will be finishing this story before I begin posting I think, because if not i might end up losing motivation to finish it and leaving it discontinued-

I also cosplay and I have a job on the weekend so there's that, I like a lot of animes and generally just enjoy things that catch my attention.

I don't support Horikoshi's disgusting habits (of sexualizing minors, if you have heard of the recent colorspread), but I can like an anime/manga without supporting or agreeing with something that has a much bigger issue it branches from.

Mapa DearestWhere stories live. Discover now