Chapter 7

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Tenko is 10; Hitoshi, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto are all 4; Touya is 13; Fuyumi is 11; Natsuo is 8; Himiko is 5

Possible TW's: mention of the system, mention of temporary selective mutism, adoption, mentions of child neglect and child abandonment, bullying

It's been a good 4 years since you adopted Tenko, and you've also been a foster parent. Most foster kids in the system don't stay for very long.

The entire purpose of the foster care system is so that kids with parents that have problems can get better, then take their kids back.

Unfortunately it also houses the unlucky children that didn't get adopted as babies, but I digress.

But most of the kids you housed were for a week at most, then they would either go to a new adoptive home or back to their old homes with their old parents.

This boy, however, you felt attached to. It was like Tenko all over again.

You'd had countless conversations with Tenko about him getting a sibling, whether or not he'd be okay with it, how it might happen with one of the kids that stay in your house. This felt like the kid it would be.

Hitoshi came into your house on a Friday evening after school. He had been found on the streets, by himself.

People around the area he had been in said that he'd been wandering there for weeks. He stayed on playgrounds for the most part, sometimes he'd come to restaurants for food. But he never spoke.

It's said that his mother abandoned him for his quirk, father's not in the picture, so he was put in the system.

The last few foster homes he stayed in were overcrowded, and because Hitoshi refused to speak, he ended up being forgotten, therefore he would be transferred somewhere else.

When he came into your house, you made sure to be gentler with him. He needs a little bit of positive reinforcement and attention from you, and Tenko could help as well.

Over the years, Tenko had become more confident. He still dresses quite femininely, and he still wears his quirk canceling jewelry.

But, he's been a grounding person for the kids that came in, reassurance that you're a good person as the kid that you adopted.

"Hey kiddo, you hungry?" You asked him when he came in, and he nodded slightly, looking down.

You grabbed an extra plate and put some food in the dish, sliding it in front of an extra seat at the counter.

"Mapaaaaa!!" Tenko yelled from across the apartment.

"What's up?!" You yelled back. Your mother would be so disappointed in you, but you don't care.

"Where'd you put my spare necklace?!" He yelled back, which only confused you. He has a spare quirk-canceling necklace, but those things are made not to break.

"It's in the jewelry box, it's on your shelf next to the Lego Friends set!" You answered, and he must've found it, because you heard stuff being moved and then silence.

A few minutes later, he emerged from his room.

"I accidentally disintegrated my homework. You know those things expire??" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

He'd grown his hair out since he got adopted, determined to be able to wear all of the cute hairstyles.

"Oh, hey! I'm f/n Tenko, seahorse dad's adopted kid!" He said, plopping down in a chair and quietly thanking you for the food.

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