Chapter 10

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[A/N: Alright so something that I forgot to mention in the beginning of this fic is that I am running on the assumption that All Might has been able to use the 'small might' form since he first hit like his late 30's (since I cant see all that many heroes in MHA that are older than their early 30's, and this is running on the logic that All Might is the same age as Endeavor, so he's around 45) since he's been able to avoid paparazzi even in the past.

He just has yet to be injured (since he got in the fight with AFO when Izuku and all the other kids his age were around 10 years old) so he can eat and drink very well, he's just on a diet to maintain his good health so he can keep heroing and maintain the image of a very old man.]

When you walked in the room, you were met with a white haired woman facing the window, slumped shoulders and generally defensive posture.

She immediately tensed when the door opened, something you figured was an instinct from her own PTSD.

"Mom!" Fuyumi exclaimed, being the first to break out of her stupor and go to her mother, Natsuo following not far behind.

The woman looked down at her children in shock before processing what was happening and beginning to weep.

Touya took Shouto up in his arms, knowing that he still blames himself and how he looks for the fact that his mother is even here.

So he picked the boy up and walked himself over to his mom with Shouto in his hold.

"Hey, Ma," Touya said breathily, making the woman look up in disbelief.

She took a few moments to fully process before breaking down again, standing up on shaky legs to hold her oldest and youngest.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry baby." She cried into her eldest's shirt, though it wasn't clear which of the boys she was apologizing to, you could tell it helped both of them.

You stood in the doorway, awkwardly waiting for the emotional moment to subside so that you could walk in and explain everything that is and will be happening.

So, you played with your accessories and watched creepily as the children and mother reunited.

Thankfully, the woman stopped crying, and while she looked around the room at her four children, she noticed you.

You could see her simultaneously tense and untense, as if she had the realization that you likely were the one to bring her children, considering Endeavor never would.

Touya seemed to also notice, because he put Shouto down on the bed and backed up, the other two younger kids joining Shouto and their mother, sitting on the hospital bed together while Touya backed up towards you.

The kids' mother looked to you as you walked forward to meet Touya around the middle of the room.

You saw the other children notice, stopping with any squirming or attempts to catch their mothers' attention so that you could speak.

"Hello, Todoroki-san. I'm f/n y/n, but you can call me y/n, and I have custody of your children until further notice." You said, waiting for that inkling of information to sink in before you say anything else to blow the poor woman's mind.

"What- what do you mean you have custody? What happened to Enji??" She asked, but you noticed there wasn't as much concern in her voice as there was confusion and curiosity.

"Endeavor-san has been charged with various crimes against you and your family, therefore the kids are being kept with me and my own two children until he is either charged or acquitted. Based on this, you may regain custody of them after you are discharged." You explained, and you saw the various waves of emotion wash through her, ending with fear.

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