Chapter 2

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Possible TW's: mention of law enforcement, explanation of past child abuse, insensitive adults, self-blame, adoption

You woke up to the blaring sound of your obnoxious alarm on your phone. You immediately turned it off, so it wouldn't wake up the little boy with a tight grip on your clothes. You gently pulled his hands off of you so that you can get up and get ready.

You showered for the morning, washing your hair and putting on comfortable clothes at least for now.

You headed to the kitchen and made breakfast and coffee/tea/whatever the hell you drink in the morning. When you were almost done you began breakfast, being more traditional so you'd have plenty of energy for your day.

So, there was rice, vegetables, miso soup, and fish for both of you to eat. The little boy padded his way into the kitchen, rubbing his eye with a fist, right when you finished and were starting to plate all of the food.

You smiled at him, bidding him a good morning. He hummed in response before climbing up to a chair at the table and you sat the freshly dished rice, fish, and soup in between two chairs, with one bowl of soup in front of each chair.

The boy sluggishly ate the food you gave him, and you ate at the food yourself, finding yourself not very hungry but knowing you'd hate yourself later if you don't eat something now.

So, you pushed through and ate, and Tenko ate literally everything else. If you weren't the one who gave him seconds yesterday, you'd think that you starved him.

You went to your room to put on more presentable clothes for the police to see, and then went through the clothes that you have at your house that may fit Tenko.

You aren't sure if it's good or bad that all you have are your childhood clothes, but they'll probably work??

When you gave Tenko his options, he seemed very passionate about the choice he made, and excitedly went back to his room and changed.

He came back out, and honestly he was the cutest thing you've seen since cat videos on Instagram reels.

He still had to use his old, beat up sneakers because you don't have any of your old shoes anymore, but they'll work until you go shopping.

You checked the bandaids on Tenko's hands to make sure of whether or not he will need to change them, and decided to grab extra bandaids just in case anyways.

Finally, you grabbed his hand and walked out the door, before realizing that you don't know where the nearest police station is.

So you pulled out your phone and realized that you could walk there within a few minutes, so you pulled up the directions and followed them to the station.

When you walked in, there were a bunch of officers, most of them appearing to have some type of mutation quirks, all of them animal-related. The officer at the front desk-looking thing was quite nice looking, though rather plain.

"Hi, late yesterday afternoon I found this young boy," you moved Tenko within view for the deputy, "and, from what I can gather his quirk activated and now he doesn't have any family." You said, and the deputy seemed unsurprised (honestly, fair bro).

"What's his name?" He asked, with an unjudging expression.

"Shimura Tenko," you said, and he typed it into the computer in front of him, eyes widening when he saw the files available when he searched up the name 'Shimura.'

"Alright, we'll have to take the kid in so he can report what happened, and since you are the one with him and he needs an adult with him, you will be with him, if that's alright." He said, and you nodded without hesitation.

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