Chapter 4

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TW's: mentions of dead relatives/friends, co-parenting(?) with old family friends, unknown family, mentions of the adoption/foster system

You woke up in your bed, no Tenko this morning. You supposed it must mean you've been making progress and headed to his bedroom to check in on him.

You poked your head in the door and saw your soon-to-be son curled into a ball on his bed, a closed book with a little rainbow bookmark (which he chose out for free with his books) in one of the pages.

It was kind of surprising how smart Tenko is, already reading books that would even need bookmarks, but you supposed it just means he'll be easier for you to get along with.

You left the room, going to the kitchen and just making yourself some oats, feeling lazier today and knowing that you have this time to catch up on your grading.

You put countless grades into the gradebook, sipping at your morning drink and occasionally shoving a spoonful of oats in your mouth.

You decided to check your mailbox while you're up, putting on your outside slippers and going down the corridor to the mailboxes for the entire apartment complex.

You went to your mailbox, got out your mailbox key, unlocked the box, and grabbed out a couple of envelopes.

One of them appeared to be a bill, another one was the debit card you needed (you lost it, again, so you needed a new one), and the last one appeared to be a different type of delivery.

It was personally sent, with a handwritten "to the person adopting Shimura Tenko." You furrowed your brows, walking back to the apartment and opening the letter.

The letter was addressed from Toshinori Yagi, some guy who apparently knew Nana Shimura when he was young.

He knew of her son and apparent daughter, but promised Nana that he wouldn't involve himself with them because she didn't want them in danger thanks to her job.

But, he had a friend in the police keep a lookout for the name "Shimura," and when he found out that the entire family had supposedly died, he was devastated.

Later finding out that Tenko is still alive, he wishes to be a part of his life. He left his contact information, for in case you agree.

You thought about it for a moment, then figured that you'd ask Tenko his opinion since it's his childhood to be spoken of here.

You did, however, intend to ask him about Tenko's unknown Aunt, because you definitely want her involved in his life, as his last known living blood relative.

So, you put his number in your contacts, as well as the email he left, and also put it in a contact book for emergencies.

You decided to distract yourself by opening your new debit card and paying the bills until Tenko wakes up.

He woke up around 30 minutes later, waddling into the kitchen and rubbing his face. He came up to the table and sat in the chair next to you.

"Hey, bud. How'd you sleep?" You asked, trying to figure out how to ease your way into talking about the letter you got.

"Good. I didn't have a nightmare, instead I dreamed about the book I read before bed." He said, smiling. He continued to tell you about the book and how his dream put him in the book.

"Tenko, I got a very important letter today." You started, and the boy perked up and paid attention.

"There is a man who knew your Grandma when she was alive, and he sent me a letter." You said, and Tenko seemed to be on the edge of his seat.

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